20 Questions with H

1. What is your favorite color? Silver
2. What is your favorite toy/game? Roblox
3. What is your favorite fruit? Lemon
4. What is your favorite food? Ramen
5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Lemon Sorbet
6. What is your favorite movie? Peanut Butter Falcon
7. What is your favorite tv show? Jujutsu Kaisen
8. What is your favorite animal? Aye aye
9. What is your favorite song? Mockingbird by Eminem  
10. What is your favorite book? Genius Files by Dan Gutman
11. Who is your best friend? M.F
12. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Basketball
13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Basketball Player
14. What is your favorite thing to do with mummy? Watching Instagram reels in bed
15. What is your favorite thing to do with baba? Ski with him
16. What is your favorite thing to do with D? fight
17. What makes you feel sad? when the Chiefs win
18. What makes you feel happy? when the Chiefs lose 
19. What is the best thing that happened this year? Visiting the Ice Cream Museum
20. What was your favorite thing about your birthday? The Rangers finally winning

20 Questions with H when he turned 4 
20 Questions with H when he turned 5        
20 Questions with H when he turned 6 
20 Questions with H when he turned 7            

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  1. I did not know what an aye aye is. So I watched a video about them. Its amazing they find food in wood, tapping and listening for hollow spots where grubs could be. They look like primate bats! Sounds like the super bowl could either be wonderful or not so much for H. (questions 17 and 18).

  2. Ever so sweet to be doing this.

  3. Cute! Lemon is his favourite fruit? Does he eat it by itself?


  4. growing up fast!!!

  5. I always love when you do their new list of favorites. I love The Peanut Butter Falcon also. Great movie. Happy Birthday H!

  6. Happy Birthday H!!! I love your smile!! :-)

  7. Happy Birthday to your big boy! I had no idea that lemurs were called aye ayes! xxx

  8. Happy Birthday to your son!

  9. Happy birthday H! This is always such a fun thing to read. I love the two lemon answers... and the favorite thing to do with D made me laugh.

  10. I had no idea what an aye aye was ...
    I always love reading your 20 questions posts ... it must be fun looking back at them when your boys are grown up! xxx

  11. Wow can't believe H is 11 already! Kids grow so fast.

  12. These are the best! I have to look up an aye aye. I love that movie too. Lemon sorbet sounds very sophisticated! I hope he's very happy on Sunday. Happy Birthday and Go Birds!

  13. I didn't know what an aye aye was either! Just looked them up and they're an odd mix of ugly/cute, lol! I love lemons, too! That photo of H with Italy (?) in the background is lovely! I love these 20 questions. I need to save them to ask my grandkids!

  14. So adorable, he has a good taste in music. I also like mockingbird by Eminem. Funny how his favorite thing to do with D is fight.

  15. What a cute idea and happy birthday to your son.

  16. Nice! Lemon is a unique choice! love it!

  17. My grandson likes Roblox too.

  18. I had to look up what an aye aye is! Interesting! Love the answer for 16 too! Haha!

  19. I love that you've saved all these. What a treat that will be for him when he is older. (I'll join him for a dish of lemon sorbet!) great photo, too!

  20. This is such a fun idea! Happy Birthday H!

  21. His favorite is to fight with his brother, LOL! So funny!

  22. Ha! What a fun list! I guess I know who H will be cheering for on Sunday! :D

  23. Happy Birthday to your son ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. I love that you’re doing this with your kids. Such great memories for the future!

  25. Fun answers and Happy Belated Birthday to H!

  26. These are some fun questions and answers dear. Wonderful Post! Wishing you a great day!

  27. And here I thought my boys were the only ones that knew what an Aye Aye was! We did a whole science fair project/report on that species several years ago. I hope he had a wonderful birthday!

  28. That's so cute that you watch Reels together! Happy birthday to your son!


  29. Somehow I missed your visit to the Ice Cream Museum. I must look for your post about that and add a visit to my bucket list.

  30. Hello,
    Cute post and photo.. Happy Belated Birthday to your son! I would like to see the Eagle's win, enough with the Chiefs. Take care, have a happy day!

  31. This is such a wonderful series that you've been doing yearly, Hena:) And yay....another JJK fan!

  32. Love the photograph.
    Happy Birthday 'H'.

    All the best Jan

  33. This was such a cute idea. ❤️

  34. Lemon is awesome. lol Best wishes to you and yours!

  35. Oooooh, boo to the Chiefs comments! lol

  36. LOL at the Chiefs answers! I loved lemons at his age too. I'd always ask for a lemon instead of a candy bar at the grocers when I was little.


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