In the Basement: A Space for the Boys

Before we even got started on the basement we had know that we wanted to make a special space for the boys.. a little hide out or nook carved out for them. As we progressed with the planning and thanks to Pinterest we were able to find a ton of ideas.. all the while making sure we didn't go too crazy. When we started with the space it looked something like this: But after the painting was done and before the carpet was installed we got t work making that perfect little nook for the boys. Luckily thanks to all the utility rooms we were forced to create a perfect little nook was created for us.. with the help of my dad who happened to be visiting at the time we all got to work and the result was.. Now to take a step back and walk you through the process. Step One was to build the base. Step Two attach it to the wall.. as an extra support they attached to 2x4's to the wall to lay the base on.. once the entire structure was built those 2x4...