A Picturesque Day in Salzburg

From Budapest we went to Salzburg. We choose to use the most recommended method of traveling between European cities, trains! Before we jump into the Salzburg I want to take a minute to talk about the trains. While there are many websites selling train tickets, most forums pushed to purchase directly from OBB the Austrian Federal Railway. The website was not too hard to use.. the tickets were not too expensive. It was a 5 hour journey from Budapest to Salzburg and we paid $23 per adult. Both children rode for free. Now here's the tricky part. After reading many forums there was a divided view on seat reservations. It cost $10 to reserve a seat, most said the trains are empty and you can just sit wherever you want until someone with a reservation for your seat shows up.. then just find another spot. This did not seem appealing with children and luggage.. plus what if we got on that particular train that had no empty seats! So we made reservations. But now here's the next tric...