Graduating Elementary School

This is a big month for D.. not only will he be turning 11 this week but he also graduated elementary school! They held a simple outdoor ceremony. Guests we kept at a minimum but it was special nonetheless. He received a certificate of graduation from his principal and a dragon pin (their school mascot) from the vice principal His two teachers. and my parents who live on a whole different continent yet decided to come visit us for a couple weeks. We went out to celebrate that night at The Melting Pot. The kids had never had tried fondue before. I can't believe D is going to be a middle schooler soon.. I am both excited and terrified for him. D's thoughts on going to graduating elementary school on moving on to middle school: 'I am looking forward to lockers and picking classes. I will miss having recess because there is no recess in middle school. I am scared about forgetting things and the possibility of detention but still exci...