D Turns Five

This June D turned the big number FIVE! He had the theme all picked out months in advance and he could hardly contain his excitement.. all the more incentive for me to step up my birthday planning.. thank you Pinterest I do not know how we ever lived or planned parties without you! His theme of choice.. Jake and the Neverland Pirates. The Invites: I found this super cute printable online here The Party: We stared with having the kids dress like a pirate.. I bought foam hats and stickers from Oriental Trading Company for the kids to decorate. Interestingly enough.. kids found it not so interesting.. many simply refused to decorate a hat.. some came back to it later and just a handful actually wore them. What was even less interesting to the kids were the eye patches I had handmade :( but the foam swords I had scored after repeated visits to the Dollar Store were a huge hit.. Next we had two ring toss games.. this was meant as an activity to kill time until everyone had a...