
How are we all doing? Where has time flown by? Farewell summer (I am happy to say mainly because it has been just so so hot), hope you all had a good one. And hello September, which of course means back to school. They are three days in at this point and D has homework every single day. Even the weekend. I am not a big fan of enormous amounts of homework especially on the weekend. H on the other hand had no homework and I wished his teacher had at least given him something. Never satisfied are we? Both boys will do there regular sports this year, D wants to join the chess club as well (he has developed a sudden and intense interest in it this past year) There is also a podcasting club (new) and I am pushing him into trying it out. This has been quite the summer.. we started it off with our trip to Switzerland and wrapped it up with a trip to California.. but more on that soon. When we weren't traveling The boys were playing tennis with their favorite coach. This...