
This week.. well at least the early parts of it were finally t-shirt and flip flop warm. : ) And when April rolls around our little town becomes cherry blossom central.. so D and I had a little impromptu picnic in the park after school one day.. Another cherry blossom post featuring a chubbier, less toothy D. We had a tantrum filled Wednesday and after so much crying and me trying to stay strong and firm we ended up with an afternoon of ice cream without lunch, ducks at the pond and a trip to the local pet store where D pretended he was a parrot. On the eleventh we had an incident of D barricading himself in the bathroom making us almost late for school and completely forgetting about Picture Day! His first : ) Friday we took the train into New York to meet M after his Epi LASIK surgery.. successful thank god! So we've had a weekend of dark shades and eye drops. Today M continue's his recovery.. D has his last swim class of the ye...