Friday Photography

I want to start off by saying I am very excited to start a new venture. Hena Tayeb Photography will now be accepting wholesale orders! Spread the word! Hand of the Help - Color, wrinkles, nails, veins, slenderness and length; so many things make up a hand, so many characteristics. Each hand different from the last, each hand with its own personality, with its own story. This hand is of a janitorial woman working in my college. She was taking a break, resting her hand and taking a breath, some peace from her otherwise tiresome day. The contrast of the color of her skin and her clothes, the position and placement of her hand, her posture, everything came together to make what would seem like an ordinary image into an extraordinary photograph. You can buy this print here Get Free Shipping with code BLOGGER Prints also available in larger sizes. Contact for more information and special requests. Love this print but don't think yo...