What is STEM? New Snapology Franchise in New Jersey

Have you heard of STEM? Of course you have.. it's the new hot word.. I see it all over Pinterest, over the past few months I have been saving all these interesting posts.. collecting activities for the summer months and then lo and behold I hear about a new Snapology STEM program open a few counties over. I spent some more time reading up about the subject, most of the websites provide vague explanations.. until I stumbled upon We Are Teachers , this website is perfect. It breaks down the subject in an easy to understand language and shows how anyone.. especially teachers can incorporate STEM into all aspects of learning. Another definition I found and really liked was 'STEM makes creators, thinkers, problem solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors.' It's the education of the future. Schooling a Monkey is also a great resource for easy to do at home STEM activities. D had created this Lego maze a few years ago. Didn't even realize we w...