Power Out!

I had planned to post about Halloween and pictures of D in his monster costume. M was going to be a from and I a petulant child :) but that all went down the drain when Saturday afternoon with all the October snow we lost power.. it is Tuesday now and still we have no power to speak of. In fact our county decided to go ahead an postpone Halloween.. no sense in celebrating when there is no school to go to.. fallen trees and dangling power lines.. After spending one cold day and night at home and after finding out that power was not going to be returned before Thursday we packed our bags and moved down to Pennsylvania to my great aunts place. So there went Halloween. In fact Halloween has been postponed in our county and will be celebrated on Friday instead.. but we all know that that is no fun. Now it is Tuesday and we have been separated.. D and I and here in PA and M has gone to NYC to live at a friends so that he can be closer to work. This is the second time since we were m...