
Showing posts with the label new baby


Hello everyone.. hope where ever you are you have a little warmth. Our weather is still on the fritz, a mix of 40ā€™s to late 60ā€™s. :( We are back from our trip but before I get into the details I need to share a little of whatā€™s been going on.. We were at the tail end of our trip when my sister in law (brotherā€™s wife) had a baby boy! Weeks earlier than expected, so unexpected that my brother wasnā€™t even in the country for the big day :( So when we returned home from our trip on Monday night we already had tickets booked to fly out again on Thursday morning. Unthinkable for M to get more days off the boys and I flew out to meet the new little guy. D had three days worth of homework to entertain him on the plane and a diorama project waiting for him when we returned due on Monday which we thought weā€™d have the week to do. We were there for barely two days. Mā€™s sister also lives in Houston so the boys were able to meet so many of their little cousins, D reigning over them as the ...

Looking back at Twenty Thirteen

This was really one hell of a year.. eventful is an understatement. D and I spent two months in Karachi  joined my M in the last two weeks. We spent three amazing days in Istanbul 1 2 3 And Labor Day weekend was spent with family in Houston My little brother got married.. it was one long wedding but so much fun 1 2 3 4 5 We got pregnant ! Moved! I made my 117th sale! Finished editing photographs taken in Egypt and Iran Dressed up for our first Halloween ! We hired a  Contractor and started to remodel.. check out all we've done so far here The birth of little H just missed the list.. This has.. had been quite a year.. can't wait to see what the next year.. this year has in store for us! How was your 2013? Any plans already in motion for 2014? Trips waiting to be taken? Milestones on the brink of being accomplished? Here's to them all being achieved! Here's to your health and happiness! Here's to our fa...