
Showing posts with the label spring


Not much has been going on lately. Today marks day 23 of fasting. The countdown has begun.  It has been raining pretty steadily here.. not my favorite weather but it also means things are starting to bloom. The kids just started their spring break and just because we can't go anywhere right now doesn't mean I am not planning the rest of the years trips.  A couple weekends ago we hosted an iftar (breaking of fast) party at our house and I made these delicious pistachio tiramisu . Very easy and super yummy.  M and I really liked these coconut clusters at Costco to use as granola but they no longer carry them and after trying a few other granola's and not loving them I decided to make my own. So easy.. why have I not been doing this all along?! I used coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, ground chia seeds, ground flax seeds, pecans, cinnamon and steel cut oats. And bound the mixture using honey, vanilla and coconut oil.    In addition, to help us get th...

Two Days in Budapest

For spring break we spent a week and a half in central Europe. Our first stop was Budapest, Hungary. We took a red eye.. it's our new way of travelling. Since our trip to Morocco  last year we have started to take evening flights that enable us to sleep on the plane and get to our destinations bright and early in the morning ready to start the day. Budapest is divided into two sides with the river Danube running through it, there is the hilly Buda and the flat but bustling Pest. We found a hotel, D8 (yup that's its name) on the Pest side close to the river and the famous Chain Bridge. The hotel was wonderful. Highly recommended. We got there around 9am and while check in was hours away they said they could have it ready in half and hour. We left our bags in their care and headed out to grab some breakfast. We ate at ƀ la Maison which was a short walk away. The breakfast was delectable! After breakfast we came back to the hotel to check in. Afterwards our fir...

Spring Time

It may officially be spring soon but we have a forecast of snow for the next two days.. and a consistent 40' temeprature.. sure doesn't feel like spring to me :( Nonetheless I wanted to share with you a few of my spring design :) These are all designs I created many moons ago, I wish I had more time to create new illustrations.. maybe one day. Geometric Flower   Floral Vines  Floral Lace Rainbow Squares Daffodils Petals and Dots  Sea Horsey See Flower Cracker   Geometric Flowers Daffodils - Sticker Decals Flower Cracker Love Grow Bloom  Floral Vines                         Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin