
I know this post is about a month overdue but I've had my hands full. But better late than never right? We had a fabulous week of warmth and sunshine.. just a tad rain and the waters could have been warmer but it felt good to shed our coats and sweaters and bring our flip flops out of hiding. We spent time splashing in the pool, M had missed out on all of D's swim classes and the only splashing he had seen was in the bath so it was great to see father and son get in some pool time. But D loved the sand so much more.. he was fascinated by the grain and texture, the way it fell from his fingers.. and the ebb and flow of the waves.. giving me a lot of time of just laying on beach chairs and enjoying him at play and reading.. We rented a car and toured the island which is not very big and covered with cacti.. millions and billions of cacti.. a light house, a few gold mine ruins, several beaches as well as dessert like terrain. We took a semi...