
Showing posts with the label home


It's been a while since I have done a lately post.. truth be told there has been a lot going on around here.. and I am still playing catch up. D started pre k! We have been making weekly trips to our library and reading all kinds of fun new books at bedtime. H is growing and learning everything so fast.. he is becoming quite the trouble maker This past month we had family visit and took a few fun day trips with them which I will hopefully share soon.. and spent a a few days at Niagara Falls.. details to come. Have you seen all the other places we have had the fortune of travelling too? Places We've Been We are also getting started on a few more house projects.. M and I are DIYing one room while a contractor has been hired for another.. exciting times with a little frustration. Take a look back at some of our other house projects and my tips for hiring a contractor. Inside Our House My in laws are in the process of making the transition to becoming a pe...

Out and About in Karachi

D took a spin on a motorcycle.   Me and my sister in law  Like a totem pole With M's sister, brother in law and kids. D's beloved brothers. Choo Choo!  A horse carriage ride with my parents   Dinner and a walk at Port Grand; a pier of sorts built under a bridge along the water near Karachi's port.  My dad, D and I  Brothers in Shades  M and I Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space.  See  Sponsors  for more information .  Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

It's Been A Week

It's been a week.. though it seems like a lot more.. I had almost forgotten just how intense the heat here could be. My parents are at the tail end of renovations in there home.... so you can imagine the chaos.  We had a pretty decent.. 19 something hours flight.. though the fact that D threw up two hours before landing was no fun.. gross.  He made a friend  Meeting my mother's parrot. An interesting bond they are forming.. D is just scared enough of him as to not touch him or pull it's tail.. but brave enough to steal his toys and tease him... the parrot is cautious for now.. questioning his expendability.. but a few more weeks of a crazy toddler.. not sure how much more he'll be able to take it.   Teaching his grand father and great grand father the in's and out's of an iPhone..   Fruit Stand  Shopping for some clothes..  Bold prints and patterns.  I hate posing for pictures. The fash...

Stay In Touch

This time next week I won't be here anymore.. I'll be across sea and oceans, continents away, awake when you're sleeping.. I'll be blogging.. so don't you disappear on me : ) Though I may not be so great with replying and returning the favor.. I hope to have tons of pictures to share with you every week. New clothes, culture and food.. Pray for safe travels and good health.. Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space.  See  Sponsors  for more information .  Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

30 Days to Take Off

Yup it's that time of year again when we start to pack our bags and head off on another adventure. But this trip is going to be different.  Which is why I have been prepping for it way more that 30 days before take off.  We're going home. pinterest The trip will start with just D and I and we'll be gone for a few months.. spending time with grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles and great uncles and aunt.. seriously our family is huge.. and not to forget cousins.. and so many other people. And towards the end of the trip M will join us to attend my little brothers wedding.  So I am making lists, buying presents, cooking and freezing meals so the M doesn't starve nor has to resort to take out every night. And while I'm excited I find being away from M for so long extremely difficult..and M finds being away from D for so long extremely difficult.  But I haven't been home in two years.. I last saw my mom and brother ...

It's our birthday!

It's my birthday and tomorrow is M's. Today is also the day we got engaged.. how many years ago? Seven. Seven years ago. It's a weekday.. so there won't be any going out day.. but I'm thinking of cooking a nice meal.. make something nice and sweet to go with it.. and just enjoy the evening at home with D.. Hello Splendor   Bella Cakes   Design Sponge Apartment Therapy In celebration I am also offering a week of free shipping at my website Hena Tayeb Photography  starting today February 6th until Sunday February 12th 2012. To find out about deals and sales faster sign up for my newsletter.. you will not be disappointed.  Sign up here! Here's to 28!                    Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin   

The Favorite List #3

This list is of things that are just oh so pretty...   LaLa Shoes   Lionsgate Designs Pilli Pilli Handmade     Tessa Ann Archcessoires Petek Designs   Element Clay Studios Yoga Goat Happy Friday everyone!ļ»æ                           Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin   

Inside Our Home

Hiring a Contractor   Family Room Kitchen Renovations Family Room Kitchen New Flooring Family Room Kitchen Painted Brick Fireplace Painted Places to Sit and a Rug A Place to Eat Pantry Makeover Formal Dinning Room Goes Office Master Bathroom Master Bedroom