
Showing posts with the label 2012

Reading in 2012

This wasn't the best year for me and books.. I read plenty but not many blew my mind.. I used to have this thing about never leaving a book unfinished. I thought it rude to the author to not finish. There was always a slight chance that things would turn around and with a little clever twist I would end up liking it rather than not. I can no longer afford to do that. I am mom to a toddler, I am exhausted, I barely get the time to read. I make the time because I love to read. If in the first few chapters I am not even mildly engaged then I just stop reading and move on. I also joined Good Reads this year and love it, I entered a few of the giveaways and one a few books :) Which in turn exposed me to a few writers I hadn't known.. Virgin of Small Plains - Nancy Pickard - Started strong but ended predictably The World According to Garp - John Irving - Loved this one. It made me laugh and cry. It stayed with me long after I finished reading it. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets ...

Looking Back at Twenty Twelve

And I thought 2011 went by fast, 2012 was a bit of a blur. I still can't believe it has already come to an end. I wished for fanfreakintastic and fanfreakintastic it was. We were blessed with travel. We took our, what has become almost annual road trip in May. Started with Baltimore  and then hit the capital Washington DC , made a quick stop at  Great Falls Park  before driving through the Skyline Drive in Virginia. We headed east to Virginia Beach  before heading north again. Stopped to see wild ponies in Assateague  and had some family fun on the Ocean City boardwalk. We had the fortune of travelling again, this time international in October. It was a trip like no other, more a spiritual journey than vacation. We spent a few days in Cairo and Iraq after a great layover in Amsterdam and ended the trip with some family time in Dubai . D is now two and a half years old.. he has been continuing with his swim classes and took some a...

Father's Day

Hello Everyone.. hope you all had a lovely weekend celebrating your fathers and helping your little ones celebrate theirs.. our day started out with D waking up at 5am and snuggling into our bed. When we finally did roll out of bed we had breakfast at home.. Banana Walnut stuffed French Toast.. then we headed out to an indoor park south of Jersey.. We Skyped (a god sent) with out respective dads.. both continents away. D is now tired and wet and ready to go home..(as you can see from his above take-the-pic-quickly-so-we-can-get-out-of-this-cold-wet-place-bombarding-me-with-it's-surprise-splashes-n-squirts picture) He's not much of a thrill seeker, at present. We picked up some mangoes on the way home and grilled a few steaks and corn on the cob.. and called it a day.. what more could you want? How was you're weekend? What did you do to celebrate? Don't forget to read about our hilarious misadventures of last years Father's Day .. Get my post directly in you...

A Line a Day.. Journaling

Just before the start of last year, I stumbled upon this post by Design Sponge for a Calendar Journal.   I immediately knew this was something I wanted to do just without all the cutting and loose index cards. I liked the idea but the execution was not something that would fit into my life. I could just imagine D having his fun with the index cards, stuffing them into the vents. Yes, that is his new hobby. : ) So as of 2011 I started my one line a day journal. I liked the idea of one line.. you really had to sort through the events of the day and focus on one. It was your choice if you chose to remember a fight or the making up ;) It made me smile everyday before bed as I ran through the images of the day.. well almost everyday.. there were as there always are bad days too.  In all my excitement I forgot to check how many pages my little notebook had.. and also forgot that I had used this notebook before and had torn out a few pages. My notebook ended...