How Do You Do Jewelry?

Being of South Asian decent.. jewelry to us equates to gold. When you are born your family gives you gold. Have a bar mitzvah like welcome to puberty celebration? Gold. It not always jewelry, it can be gold coins as well. Even boys get gold. It is saved and collected for the big day, our weddings. All those gold coins are then used to make jewelry to give both your daughter and daughter in law when she gets married. This is a big deal, it is often displayed during one of our many many wedding events so that guests can ooh and aah over it. Now I know it sounds very over the top but in most South Asian families women didn't work, many still don't. The tradition of giving gold started as a security net for the girls, if faced with hard times, a cruel husband.. death of a husband.. in the end she would at least have this gold to get her out of a difficult situation. Times may have changed but the tradition for giving gold is still prevalent. All through my youth I hated the idea of...