Halloween Covid Edition

How was everyone's Halloweens? We are big on Halloween.. it's the one holiday we properly celebrate.. we host a party every year.. here's last years shenanigan's. We dress up.. nothing over the top but we do a little something.. we decorate the house.. go trick or treating.. This year everything was a little different.. no party for one. :( While the kids are going to school in person for a couple of days a week the school decided that Halloween would be celebrated on the day everyone is virtual. I convinced the boys to opt for low key costumes.. we bought these scar tattoos from Target last year for M's costume and had plenty to spare add a knife through the head and voila. They had their virtual parties on Zoom. It a good thing kids are easy to please. We decorated the outside of the house.. we add a little every year. Its a mix of store bought and DIY. The bats and black webs are hand cut We opted against Trick or Treating.. but a neighbor invited the ki...