Friday Photography

I have a ton of new photography waiting to be edited but just can't find the time.. and I continue to take more photographs.. my 'in progress' folder growing.. so while I may have nothing new to share with you I thought I'd take Friday's as a day to share something none the less.. Bejeweled - I took this in Italy. It was taken inside the Vatican Museum in 2009. We were married almost two years and I was very soon going to find out I was pregnant with D. This particular ceiling was carved and intricate, the embellishments stunning.. Unfortunately ' Bejeweled ' is now a discontinued print. There are only two prints remaining and the prices are not only at 50% off but I'm also offering free shipping {for a limited time only} Not for you? How about getting a head start on the Christmas list? Get my post directly in you inbox with Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space. See Sponsors for more information . Newslet...