Gifting HGTV'S Genevieve Gordor

Not so long ago I shared with you the amazing opportunity I had gotten courtesy of The Artisan Group to gift HGTV designer Genevieve Gordor . It was a not easy picking the photograph and thanks to all of you who helped me with your votes. In the end it was a close call between two photographs. The Arches Heaven's Web And in the end the, with M's help as my tie breaker I chose... I included a few business cards, a bio and a little note. and then wrapped it up all pretty and pink! Our (EARN) Indiegogo campaign is live I need your help to spread the word . Contribute, Share, Tweet, tell your friends.. anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated. CAMPAIGN Get my post directly in you inbox with Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space. See Sponsors for more information . Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?