lately - still social distancing

We are officially beginning month 2 of social distancing. The kids currently have their spring break.. so we have to try harder to keep them occupied with things other than TV and iPads. The social distancing has had no effect to M's work.. he is working from home but his hours remain the same.. so he decided to take a few days off. So what have we been up to? We are playing a lot of board games.. the kids current favorites are Monopoly Jr., Blokus, Rummikub and of course UNO. In fact given the choice between game night and movie night game night almost always comes out on top. The weather has been either nice or rainy.. so we are trying to spend some time outside whenever a nice day comes around. I have never seen our neighborhood so full of people. Usually its a ghost town, just cars zipping here and there.. but now that everyone is home we see families biking and walking.. it is quite a smile inducing sight. H's teacher has been encouraging her s...