I'm on the Cover!

I am on the cover of Underwired Magazine's September issue! Well not me per se but my work.. but I do make it on the 3rd page under artists statement! I recieved a copy of the magainze a few days ago but couldn't post till now.. hubbay happened to knock my laptop off the counter over the weekend. Thank god my laptop is intact and in great shaape.. as if nothing ever hapened.. but my charger died.. Thank god for the warranty I'll recieve a new one soon.. but not soon enough.. it will take 6 days! It was a non paying gig but I'm not complaining.. I'm still beaming at the fact that someone found my work interesting enough to put on their cover. The image is of a set of birthday candles with the words Happy Birthday written in a variety of languages. A little something for everyone : ) Happy Birthday and here's me with the the published cover In other news D is almost 3 months old.. he smiles at us.. and he pretends to listen and understand when I ramble on.. a...