
Showing posts with the label flooded basement

A Water Problem

On Thursday two pipes in our basement burst. And so the last few days have not been much fun. Hopefully we will be able to get things dried and sorted out during the week. Fingers crossed Iā€™ll be back to posting about the tail end of our trip next Monday. We are trying to salvage the carpet.. all the padding was ripped out and thrown away.. it's sad to see it this way.. you can see what it looked like in it's glory days right here Pray all our hard work pays off and we are able to restore it to what it once was. We are also in the midst of the holy month of Ramadan.. so we are already a bit drained of energy.. which is obviously not helping the situation. I need summer.. i need a vacation.. I need a dry basement.. :( Hope things are much much sunnier and dry where you are.                    Etsy             Instagram             Twitter     ...