100 Hugs

When I was pregnant with H, D started this new thing.. huggy time. Ten.. Twelve times a day he would come up to either M or I and state that it was huggy time.. during dinner, while driving, in the middle of the night and pretty much all other times in between. Now as his vocabulary has increased and his thoughts are evolving he requests 100 hugs. He likes to hear us whisper the count. Now while I am all about hugs.. and I want to squeeze in as many huggable moments as I possibly can in the short time that I have before my hugs become 'embarrassing' rolling eyes they are not always convenient to give especially when I have a fussy H in my arms or I am feeding him etc.. so sometimes.. more often that not we may skip a few numbers.. Well our little smarty pants has caught on.. and now he insists he do the counting.. plus three kisses on each cheek. :) source source If I could I'd hug him forever... Little H on the other hand doesn't comprehend the conce...