D Turns Four!

In June our little D turned four.. 4! We can hardly believe it.. I was really excited to plan his fourth birthday.. we didn't have parties for the last two and this was the first year he actually understood the concept of a birthday.. his birthday. A few months before the big event I presented him with theme ideas courtesy of my Pinterest Birthday Board . His pick.. an Alphabet Themed Party. I was not particularly surprised... the kid has 26 imaginary friends.. can you guess who? And so the planning began.. The Invite. The Party Favors: i found these adorable personalized alphabet coloring books.. tied them with a string, attached a bag of candy and finished them off with a balloon at the end. [lessons learned] don't buy personalized favors, even after RSVPing people decide to not show up and now I have coloring books with other kids names on them. Balloon, long string and a super windy day equal a jumbled mess of favors we had to untangle and untie! The Plan wa...