Friday Photography

Break From The Pack - A lone wild pony breaks away from his herd on the Assateague Island, to explore and graze in solitude. Assateague Island is a 37-mile long barrier island located off the eastern coast of Delmarva. The northern two-thirds of the island is in Maryland while the southern third is in Virginia. These ponies.. more commonly known as the Chincoteague Ponies, whom legend states are descendants of Spanish horses shipwrecked on their way to Peru in the 16th century. Every year on the last Wednesday of July is held a pony run.. also known as Pony Penning.. where the ponies swim across the channel. It takes 5-10 minutes.. Larger foals are auctioned the next day and the majority of the herd, including any young foals, are returned to Assateague on Friday. Some ponies are purchased under "buy back" conditions, where the bidder donates the money to the fire department but allows the pony to be released back onto Assateague Island. This print is availab...