Self Care

With the new year around the corner everyone starts to focus on making resolutions. Most of the common ones are always eat healthy, lose weight.. you know the drill. I wanted to talk about self care. Some of the things I/We try to focus on are taking some time out of our over scheduled, busy stressed out lives to take a little time for ourselves. NUMBER ONE is making doctors appointments that we never have time to make. We keep putting the health of others first and are constantly putting off going to the doctor. Especially women and moms. I have had trouble sleeping for a few years now and I have tried every holistic DIY treatment I have read about but nothing has worked long term. After putting this off for years I finally made an appointment with a sleep specialist. With all the walking we do on our trips M started to feel a lot of pain in his feet. He finally went to the doctor and found out he has flat feet. And the solution is pretty easy - insoles for flat feet . He w...