I Love You Stinky Face

As a book lover the moment D was born.. even before that I was planning all the books we were going to read, first me to him then us together.. I have all the Harry Potter books on my shelf waiting for D to turn seven.. eight so that we can read them together.. follow each book with the movie. Of course we started with the simpler Goodnight Moon, Chika Chika Boom Boom and similar. M's boss at the time sent us a basket full of books.. :) Since then we have read countless books.. some over and over again.. and some not so much. We make regular trips to the library and when we run out of new books we reread the old.. A few weeks ago we reread I Love You Stinky Face and while I always loved this book it got very little love from D until now. He was now old enough to understand it's meaning.. After reading it he let out an enormous bugger filled sneeze and when I called him bugger face he asked me.. 'but you still love me right?' What was interesting was not just th...