
Showing posts with the label backyard

The Backyard Solution

When people ask if we have a backyard our answer is no.. but we're lying! But then again so would you if your yard looked like this. In all honesty is didn't always look like this.. it was more of a 3 foot tall jungle of weeds that M pretty much tackled single handed when we moved in. We went through bottles of weed killer, vinegar solutions, hot water suggestions we found online but nothing stopped the mutant weeds from coming back.. so every other weekend M wasted away hours trying to control our backyard. We may not have hated doing it so much and may have found a better solution for the space if we ever used it, but we didn't. There was no way to get to the space without leaving the house and going around the house to get to it, it lacked privacy and most importantly we didn't/don't see ourselves living here for a long time.. So we cut it all down and lay down some tarp.. and placed a few rocks to keep the tarp down.. when we ran out of rocks we filled ou...