The not so good news

Had a doctor's appointment today, was going to find out if I passed my glucose test or not.. well drum roll please... I Failed! Did not expect that. I am not over weight, I have not gained to much baby weight, have no family history of diabetes etc.. so I was shocked. Now I have to follow a diet plan and no sweets! That is going to be so hard.. sweets are my achilles heel and I was quite anti sweets early in my pregnancy and even that struck me as odd.. also have to cut back on my fruit intake.. I love fruit! The next few months are not going to be easy.. but what scares me more is that fact that I have a greater chance of having gestational diabetes in any other pregnancies I may have as well as the chance of becoming diabetic 5-10 years down the line. Not stressing out.. I will not stress out.. deep breaths.. hehe hoho.. In better news.. the nursery has been painted..and it looks wonderful.. can't wait to start getting in some furniture and cute baby accesso...