Holy Month of Ramadan

Last week we started the holy month of Ramadan. I posted a detailed post about Ramadan last year.. feel free to check it out here . Today instead I wanted to share with you what I have been doing to prepare for Ramadan. The few days leading up to the month I made some snacks to eat during sehori (pre dawn meal) or after dinner when you get those late night munchies would don't want to end up eating a bag of chips. T hese are not official desi/muslim recipes it just what I made. The first thing I..well actually H did about 90% of the work so I should give him the credit, made was Banana Oatmeal Muffins . They tasted too healthy according to M. Will probably omit the oatmeal next time. I added peanut butter chip to them as well. Next I made malai which is like a thick sweetened cream to be eaten with toast. There is a story to this one. Back in Pakistan you get raw cow's milk (pasteurized is also available and now more common) The milk needs to be boiled to make it drin...