
Friday Photography

Eastern Bakery - The iconic Eastern Bakery in San Francisco's Chinatown. Read more about our trip to San Francisco here You can buy this print  here . Get Free Shipping with code BLOGGER Prints also available in larger sizes. Contact for more information and special requests. I am open to wholesale and licensing opportunities. Get in touch for more information.                     Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Redbubble             Zazzle             Society6                                  

A Graduation and a Birthday

Good morning everyone.. how was your week? Ours was busy.   On Tuesday the eldest graduated middle school. They had a really nice ceremony.. similar to a high school or college graduation, heavy on the pomp and circumstance.  We celebrated the event with dinner at K-Pot a Korean BBQ place at the graduates request.  Then on Sunday he turned 14. He had a friend over on Saturday night.. we cut a cake and the boys played endless video games.  On the day of his actual birthday we made french toast.. the boys continued to play into the afternoon. Sadly it was in the 90's and with a heat advisory in effect they were relegated to staying indoors.  In the late afternoon we dropped off D's friend and picked up his cousin and headed to an escape room. We completed it with 15 minutes to spare! We ended the night with stuffed shells and garlic bread - as requested by the birthday boy and leftover cake. Yum                     Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Redbub

Recent Reads

Legend by Marie Lu Synopsis  - What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem. From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths - until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias's death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets. Thoughts - Okay, so let's start with the worst. I

Friday Photography

Just sold this beauty.. off to a new home in California. Blue House - Vibrant green and red door against brilliant blue walls of a house in Mexico City. Read more about our trip to Mexico City here You can buy this print  here . Get Free Shipping with code BLOGGER Prints also available in larger sizes. Contact for more information and special requests. I am open to wholesale and licensing opportunities. Get in touch for more information. Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Redbubble             Zazzle             Society6                            


We have been busy.. and I have very few pictures to show for it.  To begin.. the Rangers lost in the semi finals.. and I have a house full of disappointed boys. :(     My cousin graduated med school last week. She is originally from California so my aunt and uncle flew out for the big day.. my great aunt and uncle also joined in the festivities from Pennsylvania. We had dinner with the family in New York and then later in the week they all came to my house and we had a lovely (take out) dinner together. I especially enjoy watching my kids connect with our more distant relatives.  We also had a BBQ with some friends we hadn't met in over four years and reconnected like no time had passed. That I feel is the sign of a good friendship.   This weekend the boys were both staying at a friends house so M and I went out for burgers and then again out for breakfast. I don't think not having the kids in the house changed things much except that it was much quieter.  On Sunday they both

Friday Photography

Blue Domes  - The iconic white and blue domes in Oia, Santorini. Read more about our trip to Santorini  here You can buy this print  here . Get Free Shipping with code BLOGGER Prints also available in larger sizes. Contact for more information and special requests. I am open to wholesale and licensing opportunities. Get in touch for more information. Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Redbubble             Zazzle             Society6  


Where do I even begin? The weather has been awful, cold, gray and rainy on more days than I care for. Turns out we haven't had a rain free weekend since March 2nd!  We have just over a month of school left. I am ready for summer. It is getting harder and harder to wake up with that darn alarm every morning. But getting closer to end of year also means D graduating middle school and all the festivities that go with it. They already had their field trip to Philadelphia, second week of June the graduating class will be having a massive pool party, there is the dance which D is adamant about not attending and then of course graduation!  But it's not all fun and games.. he also has some big end of year projects he is working on. One of which I think might interest you.  He is working on a book report per se. He read the book Legend by Marie Lu . For his project he has to break down the books six most significant moments and give them a soundtrack. Yes you read that right.. projects