
Where do I even begin? The weather has been awful, cold, gray and rainy on more days than I care for. Turns out we haven't had a rain free weekend since March 2nd! 

We have just over a month of school left. I am ready for summer. It is getting harder and harder to wake up with that darn alarm every morning. But getting closer to end of year also means D graduating middle school and all the festivities that go with it. They already had their field trip to Philadelphia, second week of June the graduating class will be having a massive pool party, there is the dance which D is adamant about not attending and then of course graduation! 

But it's not all fun and games.. he also has some big end of year projects he is working on. One of which I think might interest you. 

He is working on a book report per se. He read the book Legend by Marie Lu. For his project he has to break down the books six most significant moments and give them a soundtrack. Yes you read that right.. projects have changed a lot since when I was in school. 

Have you read the book? Any songs come to mind? So far the six songs he has chosen are
1. I Hate You I Love You by Gnash
2. Champion by Fall Out Boy
3. Bad Bad News by Leon Bridges
4. How Do I Say Goodbye by Dean Lewis
5. Trouble by Cage the Elephant
6. Pompeii by Bastille 

H has been busy as well. He is playing basketball this season and they unfortunately are on a losing streak.. I feel bad for the amount of pressure that is placed on these kids to excel at sports. But even while they have lost every game H is still working hard, practicing and enjoying himself.. that's the spirit. 

He has also taken up an instrument! He had his first concert just last week where he played the clarinet. 

We also happened to get a chance to go to a Rangers (NHL) playoff game two weeks ago at Madison Square Garden. The Rangers have had a rough last few games but such cinched a spot in the semi finals with a nerve wracking game on Wednesday. The game we attended was fantastic. The vibe at the stadium was so different from a regular game and the fact that they won was just the cherry on top.

and look who just happened to be there as well. I love Jason Bateman but Michael J Fox.. oh I crushed on him so hard when I was little.

Oh and guess what our neighbors gave us? They were getting rid of it and thought of the boys.. and it has been an absolutely hit in our house.

That's it from my corner of the world.. 

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  1. Good luck to your son doing the project.
    Had to keep a good vibe for your other son with his team not winning but next season I'm sure they will do better, and this season has been a good learning curve.
    God to see you all smiling once again..

  2. I actually had projects like that when I was in high school and that was awhile ago!!

    Curated by Jennifer

  3. Graduating from middle school?!? When did that happen!

  4. Looks like you are having fun despite the weather. Love the fact that you went to a Ranger's game. We have been watching the Western Conference games.

  5. the rain has been kind of crazy! both of my kids were in band from middle school through high school I have fond memories of all the concerts :)

  6. How exciting to go to a Stanley Cup playoff game! And to have your team win is even better!

  7. Anonymous5/20/2024

    You all have been busy. Projects sure have changed.

  8. Thank u for your recent comment

  9. Lots of fun stuff going on! I have some real gaps in my pop music knowledge from the past couple of decades... the only song of those six I know is Pompeii.

  10. I'm a teacher and I think I might steal this idea. What a fun idea for kids to think of a soundtrack to go along with the book!

  11. That's a lot of rain. And a lot going on! Thanks for sharing and be well, my dear.

  12. D's got excellent taste in music! Leon Bridges is amazing, he made me cry when I saw him live! xxx

  13. The playoff game sounded like just the thing to help lift off all that gray rainy gloom. So excited for you to not need that alarm clock every morning!

  14. I'd say it has been a pretty good week! I love Michael J. Fox too, and greatly admired him.

  15. We have been having that same type of weather! It's been so cold and so rainy... this week looks promising with temps in/near 80 and little rain but I'm sort of holding my breath to see if that holds true. Best of luck to your son; I would be just awful at finding songs since I am awful at knowing the titles or band names to even begin looking.

  16. At least you’re not in a drought!
    Your boys are handsome. Looks like much fun in your neck of the woods. 😘

  17. That basketball game looks like lots of fun!

  18. It does seem like there's been a lot of rain this spring but at least the past few weekends have been dry - in the city anyway. I'm so not looking forward to the sweltering heat.

  19. I don't like the cold months either, I never had to do a book report when at school and I tried to learn to play the guitar as a child but sucked at it. I hope things go well for your son

  20. I never had a project like that while at school either. It sounds as if he is getting right into it.
    Enjoy these last busy few weeks.

  21. What a neat mind-stretching school project! So true about the pressures. Regardless, you are most definitely a family of winners where it counts in life!

  22. The end of middle school. Wow! Looks like you all are having fun, and I loved the Legend books. Great choice!

  23. The end of the school year is always crazy. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the time off. Ooohhh...the Rangers. Good luck to your team. I was just watching the NBA but the Knicks are out of it so I am too. Have a great week!

  24. Wow ~ the clarinet and what a school project ~ one bright young man and awesome family ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I don't miss the end of the school year craziness one bit!

  26. Aaaaaawwww....D is graduating middle school already? And I read Legend awhile back. If I think of a song, I'll come back here:)

  27. It sounds like you've been busy. Interesting book project.

  28. Your children sound very well-rounded! It was fun getting to know a little more about H!

  29. Such a lot is expected of children in school these days, but it sounds an enjoyable project. I wonder if D will change his mind about the dance.

  30. I thought I would stop by and have a read!
    What an interesting school project. I would have loved compiling a soundtrack to accompany a book!
    Your son really does look as though he enjoys his activities, which is a good thing. I agree though, there is far too much pressure to excel at sport.
    The Madison Square gardens event must have been a thrill. As exciting as the game must have been, I think I would also have been way more excited at seeing Jason Bateman and Michael J. Fox. I only found out recently that Jason Bateman was born in the Shropshire town of Shrewsbury (about an hour from me).

  31. It looks like life is being good to you and your family. I remember those days when my two were growing up and going to school. They were the best years! As for the rain, I'm with you! It's been downright dreary for too long.

  32. Love that your son is playing the clarinet. Music is such a good thing to bring into children's lives. Summer is almost here so hold on a little longer. Lol!

  33. I can imagine that it gets busy especially at the end of the year. I agree the book reports are so much different then when I was a kid. Even when my daughter was in school. She just finished her dissertation for getting her Doctorate degree and wrote over 200 pages, I can't imagine that either.
    How fun to go to the game and see some celebrities too!!

  34. Sounds busy! That end of year period is always so busy. That is exciting about graduating middle school. The game looked thrilling too (especially the celeb sighting!). Are you counting down the days of setting the alarm? It's always a good countdown to have! We've had 11 rainy weekends in NJ!

  35. I hope you can enjoy the sunshine soon! Lovely getting to see what you've all been up to!

  36. Having rain every weekend can be a bummer, especially for kids when that's their only down time. Even so, sounds like you and your sons have had some wonderful outings! School projects are very different now! I read Legend a while back so I don't remember it well, but I do love Fall Out Boy.

  37. What a fun project for your son! My school projects were never like that. :) My hockey team was eliminated in the first round so I am now cheering for the Rangers. I really need them to beat the Panthers! Haha!

  38. Yikes, that is a lot of rain, and on the weekends is hard! It sounds like your family is doing well and has a lot going on. My daughter graduated college a few weeks ago, I understand the major transitions. I hope you all thrive during the last month of school!

  39. Anonymous5/21/2024

    What kind neighbors you have! Ohh, my son played the clarinet from 5th grade all through high school. He just graduated, so I am going to miss those band concerts!


  40. Oh wow not a rain free weekend since March UGH. So much going on this is a big graduation. That is quite the book project. How cool to get to Madison Square Garden. The game looked exciting. My step family was in town this past weekend and we went and saw Suffs, it was GREAT. And a well know Iranian journalist was there.

    Allie of

  41. I hope you get to enjoy the sunshine soon.
    I love that your son is playing the clarinet.
    Introducing music into children's lives is so beneficial.

  42. What a fun project! I would've loved doing something like that in school.

  43. Happy Almost the End of the School Year!
    No dance? Kids nowadays know what they want, I think, more so than my baby boomer generation. We had to go, sulking and all.
    Great to have a winning game when y'all are there watching in the stands! Happy Smiles!

  44. A dance D is adamant about not attending... funny, I mean, I hope he changes his mind (if you want him to attend, lol). I hope that your end of school year activities go well and that your weather makes a change for the better (it has to, right?).

  45. good week for your family........all looks happy

  46. FUN!! Lots of fun happenings. May is always a busy month for us. December and May always seem to be the busy time of year for our family.

  47. That's a fun type of book report indeed :) Hope you're having a great week!

  48. I am happy that the weather has changed to warm weather. We had a terrible spring and I am hoping for a sunny and warm summer. The hubs and I have been to some Rangers games and we also went to that playoff game. We are bit Ranger fans. I hope you enjoy the long weekend.

  49. How kind of your neighbors to pass along such a wonderful plaything!

  50. HI Hena, I play women's 3.0 tennis we have lost most matches but it is still fun! So cheers to the losing team ;0) Highschool! Happy almost Summer! xo laura

  51. did my comment publish? Onto high-school! Happy Summer xo laura

  52. It's been a while since I read Legend but I really liked it! Sounds like it has been some amazing times around your house. My niece finished up 6th grade this past week and I was able to go to her school's end of the year award ceremony that day. Our local smaller league hockey team has been in that level finals too, but I haven't had a chance to go to a game in a couple years sadly. I also had crushes on Michael J. Fox and Jason Bateman back in the 80s!

  53. We haven't had a free rain week since...October here! So I feel you! And high school so soon? Time is flying by!

  54. Definitely a different kind of project from what I had, but I was in high school practically during during the dark ages, so that's not surprising. It's good to keep the kid's interest and I'm glad they are reading real books! What a nice week you had.

  55. Ooh, how fun to go to a playoff hockey game! What a lovely and varied life you live!

  56. What fun at the game! And I have to say, both of your boys are handsome but that little H just steals my heart. That smile! Precious. I am proud of both of them for working so hard. I must say too, not only have I not ever heard of such a project as D was assigned, but not only have I never read that book, I have never heard of the book, or its author ... also I have never heard of any of the songs or the groups that will make up the soundtrack, hahahahaha! And I consider myself to be one who keeps up. Guess not, hahahaaaaaa! xoxo

  57. That's a fun book project. And how cool about the hockey game! I love going to MSG, it's always exciting. Very cool Jason Bateman and Michael J Fox were there. Happy end of school year, I can't believe it's June already.

  58. Anonymous6/02/2024

    We have been on summer break for 4 weeks already which seems crazy! I bet you will enjoy sleeping in a bit. That is such a fun book project!



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