A Graduation and a Birthday

Good morning everyone.. how was your week? Ours was busy.  

On Tuesday the eldest graduated middle school. They had a really nice ceremony.. similar to a high school or college graduation, heavy on the pomp and circumstance. 

We celebrated the event with dinner at K-Pot a Korean BBQ place at the graduates request. 

Then on Sunday he turned 14. He had a friend over on Saturday night.. we cut a cake and the boys played endless video games. 

On the day of his actual birthday we made french toast.. the boys continued to play into the afternoon. Sadly it was in the 90's and with a heat advisory in effect they were relegated to staying indoors. 

In the late afternoon we dropped off D's friend and picked up his cousin and headed to an escape room.

We completed it with 15 minutes to spare!

We ended the night with stuffed shells and garlic bread - as requested by the birthday boy and leftover cake. Yum

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  1. Congratulations to your son and Happy belated Birthday, love that cake.

  2. Congratulations and Happy Birthday. Love the cake and stuffed shells is my favorite meal. He has good taste. I hope you all enjoy the Summer.

  3. Congrats to your eldest! Great family photo!

  4. Happy graduation, time is flying by!! And happy birthday!!

  5. Happy Grad and 14th Birthday! Sheesh, if I went to one of those Escape Rooms, I'd still be locked in there.

  6. What a marvellous adventure! My eldest granddaughter writes her last gr. 11 exam today. The next eldest has a gr. 8 grad Wed.! How time flies.

  7. Congrats on the graduation! And happy birthday! It sounds like y'all had an exciting week!

  8. Congrats to the graduate! That's quite a milestone... and now on to high school. His birthdays meals all sound delicious.

  9. Congratulations to your son! How exciting!

  10. Happy birthday to your son and his graduation!

  11. Congratulations to your eldest on graduating from middle school! You must be a proud Mom! xxx

  12. Congratulations on your eldest's graduation. It looks like he enjoyed his fun activities despite the heat.

  13. You had a full, busy week!! Contratuations on the graduation AND a belated happy birthday!! I like the simplicity of the cake decoration.

  14. Congratulations to your son! How exciting! :)

  15. Oh wow! Time sure flies by:) Congrats on his graduation and belated Happy BDay! Love that the graduation was as grand as a high school one:)

  16. What a fun and busy week! Congrats to your son on his graduation. It sounds like he had a wonderful birthday despite the heat.

  17. Congratulations and Happy birthday to your son! Sounds like an epic time with lots of great food!

  18. It might have been busy, but it looks and sounds very, very happy. Congratulations and Happy Birthday. And stay cool.

  19. I guess it is cool having a graduation thing leaving middle school, here when kids finish year 6 they have a presentation day with a clap out as the year 6 kids leave the school for the last time. High school here starts in year 7 and goes through to year 12.
    He does look like he had a good time and having a birthday is always cool

  20. Congrats and happy birthday to your eldest.

  21. The Korean BBQ and escape room seem like the perfect ways to celebrate D's birthday. It all looked like so much fun. And you can't go wrong with cake and video games!!

  22. Congratulations to your son. They have really amped up graduations for many school milestones these days!

  23. Congratulations and happy belated birthday to your graduate!

  24. Congrats on your son's graduation and a very happy belated birthday to him!
    Looks like you all had a fantastic week filled with wonderful celebrations and delicious food.

    Happy Tuesday, Hena!

  25. It looks like you have been having so much fun lately! Congratulations to your son!

  26. Hope your sun had a great birthday! I've always wanted to do an escape room.

    Curated by Jennifer

  27. Wow, a double celebration. Congratulation to your eldest and happy birthday to you.


  28. My goodness! You have a high schooler now?!

  29. What a fun weekend! Congratulations to your son, as well as happy birthday!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  30. What a marvelous time, a belated but no less sincere Happy Birthday to your dear son, and I know I've said it before but how I love their smiles -- ALL of y'all's smiles! And congratulations to the graduate too, for his academic accomplishments. I know they are just the beginning. You probably don't know this but we lived in New Jersey from 2000-2002. South Jersey -- Williamstown. Our Stephanie was married there in June of 2001. On the weekend of her wedding the heat was so oppressive, I thought I would die. It was AWFUL. Hot, humid, just like here in South Carolina! The stifling conditions continued into Sunday, but on the Monday, it broke and there was low humidity, highs in the 80s, and a cool breeze! TG and I drove to a park and sat and cried for about 20 minutes because our first baby had got married and we were gutted that she'd grown up. Suffice to say, we did NOT cry when Erica got married and we probably won't when Audrey does either, hahahaha! What sentimental ninnies we were. Have a great week, my friend. xoxo

  31. Congratulations to your son for his graduation and also a very happy belated birthday! It sounds like you all had a fun and tasty weekend! :)

  32. I think my congratulatory comment failed to stick. lol What a delightful post! Thank you for sharing these joyful blessings. Best wishes to you and yours, my dear.

  33. Happy birthday and happy graduation! None of the schools (that I know of anyway) around here make a big deal out of 8th grade graduation. Most preschools have adorable ceremonies- my kids´ did. So the kids have pictures of them with caps and gowns as 5th year olds and as 18 year olds- nothing in between :). Looks like great and fun celebrations!

  34. Congratulations! Also, what an A+ image of the two boys blowing out the candles. And, of course, nothing can beat the gorgeous smiles of your two sons!

  35. It sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  36. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your son! How exciting. That sounded like a really busy but fun week!

  37. Two big events to celebrate! That cake looks delicious!

  38. Anonymous6/26/2024

    Congratulations to your son...lovely pictures..thanks for sharing dear :-)
    Fine Art and You

  39. Happy birthday to D and enjoy your summer. The escape room looked interesting.

  40. Many congratulations to your kiddo!

  41. I'm originally a Jersey Girl from the Trenton area. Congratulations to your son for his birthday and graduation.How wonderful to have good things to celebrate. Love the idea with the cake decorating.

  42. A very happy birthday to him, sounds like he enjoyed a fun day all around even without being able to go outside! Wishing him all the best as he goes into High school!

  43. Your family always has the greatest smiles! Congrats on your son's middle school graduation as well as his 14th birthday. That cake looks yummy too :)

  44. That was a busy and special week. Congratulations!

  45. Sounds like lots of fun celebrations! We love Korean BBQ...it's not easy to find in our area, but we lived near NYC for a few years and used to love to go into the city for this. Enjoy your day! It's a scorcher here too.

  46. Anonymous6/26/2024

    Congrats to him AND Happy Birthday as well! We have done an Escape Room twice and one time we got out and the last time we didn't... They're fun!


  47. Anonymous6/26/2024

    Congrats to the graduation boy! K Pot sounds and looks so good, what a great celebration you had!

    Allie of

  48. Congrats on your son's graduation! My youngest just graduated from high school. The time goes too fast!


  49. I like all of his food choices! You came up with some great indoor activities to avoid being out in the heat. It has been brutal the past week or so.

  50. Congratulations and happy birthday!

  51. Happy Birthday to your eldest. You made the day special for him.

  52. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your son!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  53. H i Hena Congratulations to oldest son's graduation and birthday! Oh my gosh this is a huge milestone. Enjoy take it all in the next four years are going to be fun and new memories and stories. When I picked my boys up after school for tennis practice etc I learned to like Sportstalk on the radio. The boys loved to listen and I learned a little bit about the sports and athletes they love! It was a great tradition and with the sports channel I couldn't ask them one answer questions. ;0) Enjoy. We have had light rains every night and our version of humidity is nothing to you guys! Congratulations. Enjoy the rest of summer! xo laura in Colorado

  54. Congratulations... WOW... love all the fun. I love all the sprinkles on that birthday cake. :-)

  55. Your son looks nice in his graduation gown. Such a wonderful moment for him. The barbecue looks delicious. And what a fun birthday he had with cake, video games, and the escape room. Lots of fun all around. ; )


  56. CONGRATS TO THE NEW GRADUATE! :) Also so cute on the cake. And now I'm craving KBBQ!

  57. Congratulations and happy birthday! The escape room sounds fun.

  58. Anonymous7/04/2024

    Lovely post.
    Congratulations and Happy Birthday.

    All the best Jan


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