20 Questions with D

1. What is your favorite color? Red
2. What is your favorite toy/game? Rocket League (video game)
3. What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries 
4. What is your favorite food? Burgers
5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie Dough
6. What is your favorite tv show? Young Sheldon
7. Favorite Movie? The Faculty
8. What is your favorite animal? Gorilla 
9. What is your favorite song? Pompeii by Bastille
10. What is your favorite book? Inheritance Games by Jennifer Barnes
11. What is your favorite city/country? Costa Rica
12. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Playing Sports (basketball, pickleball, cricket)
13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Lawyer
14. What is your favorite thing to do with mummy? playing board games and talking about books
15. What is your favorite thing to do with baba? Watching sports on tv and IRL
16. What is your favorite thing to do with Hasan? Playing Basketball
17. What makes you feel sad? when I am blamed for something I didn't do
18. What makes you feel happy? Accomplishing stuff like getting into Global Studies
19. What was your favorite thing about your birthday? Helping in the escape room and getting out.
20. What did you learn this year? More geography information like about the Mongolian Empire 

To take a look back here are
20 Questions with D at 4
20 Questions with D at 5
20 Questions with D at 6
20 Questions with D at 7
20 Questions with D at 8 
20 Question with D at 9  
20 Question with D at 10   
20 Question with D at 12   
20 Question with D at 13  

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  1. It's so nice to have a series of 20 questions and will be lovely for D to look back at in the future.

  2. This is such an amazing tradition!! Have an amazing week :)

  3. Oh how we change our minds and our tastes change as we age.
    It's interesting.

  4. I love Young Sheldon and Blueberries too! Happy Birthday to him!

    Curated by Jennifer

  5. Such a fun Q&A; I bet it's really fun to compare his answers from previous years!

  6. What a nice tradition!

  7. He's growing up too quickly!! I always love these. What a great thing to for both of you to be able to look back on.

  8. Such a great tradition. Love the photo!

  9. This is so cool that you do this, I wish I knew about this when my daughter was growing up because I can't remember all the stages anymore of her likes and such

  10. I expect #13 and #17 are related, lol!

  11. I love that he enjoys discussing books with you! Such a fun tradition you have with this.

  12. These are always great and must be so fun to look back on!

  13. I enjoyed his answers and If I was in an escape room I would want him on my team!!

  14. Happy birthday, D.

  15. Fun! The Faculty is a great movie!

  16. How fun to read these answers and to look back at them from years past.

  17. Anonymous7/01/2024

    These are going to be so fun to recall one day when your boys are all grown up.

  18. Great answers - and a wonderful tradition.

  19. Oh this is so fun... thank you!!! :-)

  20. Happy birthday! Red is also my favorite!
    Have a great week,

  21. How awesome that you have 20 questions at different ages! Yes, being blamed for something you didn't do is a bummer!

  22. You have a future lawyer in the family, Hena! :) And I love cookie dough ice cream too!

  23. How fun to be interviewed! Love the photo, too!

  24. I always loe your 20 questions post -- a great idea and a fun, terrific kid!

  25. This is such a cute idea! I love reading through this every year!

  26. Great answers.
    Keep the wonderful tradition going, Hena.

  27. Yes, that is a nice tradition. Adorable photos, too.

  28. I love that you keep a record of his answers. I love Costa Rica too!


  29. These 20 questions make for a wonderful scrapbook! I did that with my granddaughter when she was little. 20 years from now it will be fun to have a look back and see how things change! Great post!

  30. Ok. This is an awesome idea! He is such an amazing young man. Rhett's favorite animal is the gorilla too! He has always loved them!

  31. Anonymous7/02/2024

    I love this.

  32. This is great, Hena! I should do the same with Dagny and Rhett! The answers when he was four made me laugh. Paw Patrol, hahhaa! Our grandson Andrew (now 12) was obsessed with it. For Dagny it was Peppa Pig, but with Rhett we're back to Marshall and Skye and Rubble and the gang! Good clean fun. xoxo

  33. This is such a fun idea! I love blueberries too and we recently watched The Faculty again, it was such nostalgic fun :)

  34. Your twenty questions with your boys are such a lovely tradition! xxx

  35. It's nice to get to know some of the things he likes and dislikes. I love the color red too - flowers, birds, and clothes! Cute picture of him, and that looks like mac and cheese.....YUM!



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