
Welcome to present day.. we have put all our December travel posts behind us but if you follow me on Instagram I still have loads of videos to share.. More exciting is that spring break is coming up and we have another adventure planned.

Today in our 18th day of fasting. And honestly the last 17 days went by quiet quickly. Life gets very busy during Ramadan.. each days starts to blur into the next. D is not fasting this year but H has fasted for 9 days so far. 

Speaking of D, we are officially on month 9 of his treatment. For those not in the know I posted about his condition here. While it has been a long road we have made progress. We are currently in a medication reduction phase of treatment. Every two weeks we are lessening the dosage of his eye drops and so far we have seen no regression so yay! He is also doing well.. in fact he was awarded student of the month. 

Reading has been slow.. mainly because I am stuck in a series. I have started the final book but I am not loving it, there are many elements of interest so I do want to know how it ends but for some reason I have having trouble with it.. it is taking forever! Don't judge but there have been some paragraph skipping.. some skimming.. I mean it is only 625 pages long.  

I sold some work.. this one I took in Seattle and this one I took in Boston. 

Nothing else of much interest to report. The sun is shining and days are getting warmer.. that's enough to put a smile on my face. I typed too soon, I wrote this post on Friday and I think I jinxed it. We haven't seen the sun all weekend and even had to don a winter jacket on day. :(

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  1. Well done to D for his award and I'm so pleased that his eye disorder is continuing to improve.
    Several of my pool friends are abstaining from swimming while they observe Ramadan, its not the same without them. x

  2. How old is H that he is in his 9th year of fasting? Is he doing half days or full days? Sorry for my questions. One of my friends in Egypt told me she did half days as a kid. She suggested I do that last year when I was struggling.


  3. Congratulations to D on his award.

  4. Congratulations to D on both accounts. Pleased to read about the eye drops becoming less, fingers crossed and prayers to you all that it continues to go the right way.
    Congratulations to you to on selling two photos - well done and you must be very pleased...
    Take care.

  5. I am so glad to hear that D is doing well with the treatment! Have a great week!

  6. Glad that D's eye is healing well!

  7. I am so glad you gave an update on D he continues to be in my daily morning prayers.

  8. How long do you fast, days that is? You only eat evening meals? That takes a lot of will power. Thanks for the link to say what happened to D's eye. I hope he gets over it completely soon. To me, reading your blog posts, it sounds like you are a happy family enjoying life to the greatest.

  9. Keeping track of D's progress and I'm so glad to hear that it's going well. Thinking about him!

  10. Student of the month on top of working through recovery - D is so strong!

  11. No reason to finish a book you're not enjoying. I find myself skimming when I want to read the ending, but I'm not really enjoying the story to get there.

  12. Such wonderful news about D's eye. Hopefully progress continues - and congrats on the award! I am eagerly awaiting your spring break plans and pictures! Ramadan Kareem.

  13. Hello Friend,
    Congratulations to D!! I continue to pray for him and your family.
    Thinking Spring... it can do it... boot out winter.

  14. There is so much good news here! Congratulations on your sale and to D, too, for his award. I'm just delighted that there has been no regression with easing back on the drops. That's excellent news. Three cheers!

  15. So pleased to hear that D is making good progress. Congratulations to him on his award - well deserved. It's hard to concentrate when you're not feeling 100%.

  16. Congratulation for being the mom of a student of the month!

  17. I'm glad to hear your son's eye is healing well . Doing so well in school is even more special when he accomplished that while undergoing continuing treatment.

  18. Anonymous3/17/2025

    I'm glad his eye treatments are doing well! That is a long time to deal with all of that I am sure!! My kids have separate spring breaks now, so it is a little weird this year!! Enjoy yours!


  19. Yay for D on his award and his continued recovery! No judgement from me. I've been known to skim.

  20. I hope that D continues to make a full recovery and that spring break is a good one.

  21. Glad D's eye is showing progress

  22. Yay for progress on your son's eye!! Praise God. I hope that it continues to improve and heal completely. We also had a cold snap this weekend! Have a great week.

  23. I'm so happy to hear your sons eye is doing better. My little brother had a fungal infection in his eyes, which required shots directly into his eyes, eye drops, and all the biopsies, scans, and you know the works. I understand the toll it takes on caregivers. I pray for you and your son. I hope you have a great day.

  24. I'm glad to hear D is doing well. I hope you have a great week.

  25. I am a horrible faster, and can't imagine doing it every day for an entire month.

  26. That your son's eye is healing well is excellent news. Congratulations to him also on winning student of the month ... for showing good qualities that many adults in this world sadly fail.

  27. That's so great to hear about his eyes, Hena! And congrats on the award:)

  28. I completely understand where you're at with your reading! I just finished the third book in a trilogy that was a spin off of another trilogy and I *almost DNF'd it! I didn't, and am now grateful I didn't, but it was rough for a bit there. I hope you can either make your way to the other side or release it.

  29. Glad to hear that D's eye is doing well and congrats to him on winning his award! I hate when I'm like that with a book but sometimes that's just how it goes.

  30. Sounds like a lot going on! Great news about D’s progress and selling your work—congrats! Hope the book picks up for you, and fingers crossed for more sunshine soon! 😊

  31. Hello, I am so glad your son's eye is healing. Congrats also for his award.
    Take care, have a wonderful day and happy week!

  32. Thanks for the update. So glad your son is doing well!

  33. Sounds like you have some great happenings and good news. Those are the best kind of updates. :) Hope you enjoy your next adventure and your son continues to heal and do well.

  34. I'm so glad to hear that D is doing well!

  35. That is great about D's progress with his eye treatments. Congrats on his school award!!! I can't wait to hear about your spring break adventures. You always have the best trips!

  36. Congratulations! Student of the month it's great!

  37. Hooray for D! I hope this spring break brings you some calm and relaxing time at home, Hena!

  38. Congrats to D for his award and glad to hear his treatment is going well. Hope you'll have an amazing spring break!

  39. How exciting to have another travel adventure to look forward to!
    I'm glad to read that D.'s eye is improving, and congratulations to him on being rewarded student of the month! xxx

  40. Hope D's treatment continues to go well! Congrats on selling work!

  41. That's great news about D! Hope he will make a full recovery and congratulations to him on his student of the month award.

  42. Well done to 'D' for his award.
    I'm so pleased that the treatment for his eye problem is progressing well.

    All the best Jan

  43. Congrats to D. for being the student of the month. It's also great he's getting better and I hope he'll make a full recovery soon.
    Congrats to you for selling your prints.
    As far as reading goes, sometimes it takes time and it's not necessarily a bad thing.
    Have a lovely day!

  44. Congrats to D on his award! Hope you all have a great week!

  45. I bet your getting excited about your trip, hope you all have a great time. Such great news about H's eye and a very big congrats on student of the month!! Wow 625 pages that would be a lot to get through. Yes spring has it's up and down days but those up days get us through the down ones :)

  46. Congrats to D on his award! That's awesome! I'm glad to hear that treatment on his eye is progressing well. Hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the week!


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