Checking In

I want to start by saying thank you for all of your kind words, prayers, wishes and positive thoughts. You have no idea how much we have appreciated it. 


D is on the mend. We still have a long way to go before his eye is fully healed and he has regained his vision but progress is being made and that is what is most important. 

Now the big question.. what happened?

Well towards the end of June, during the final days of school he scratched his cornea. We saw the doc.. got some drops. Then we started summer camp. My children have never gone to camp.. this year they requested to cut down on our travelling and spend a few weeks in camp instead. And I will not lie.. when we toured the camp we were in awe.. they were going to have a blast. 

One week into camp D's eye started to get redder. By the time the weekend came around he had a fever. When following up with the eye doc she made the smart move, something we are incredibly thankful for. She admitted that this was something beyond her expertise.. called in a favor and got us in to see a cornea specialist immediately.

The cornea specialist biopsied the eye and sent us to a specialized eye hospital in another state. Further testing confirmed his suspicions. D had a rare parasite in his eye called acanthamoeba keratitis. 

Prognosis. Lots of round the clock drops, oral pills and lots of prayers and patience. 

Initially D suffered from light sensitivity, headaches, fever and fatigue. All of those symptoms have reduced immensely. Though he still has bad days.. We are trying to find activities to do.. keep his mind occupied.. oh the boardgames we have played, lots of trips to the ice cream parlor.

As of Friday the doctor has cleared us for travel as long as we are able to keep up with his intensive eye drop schedule. At this point I am an eye drop pro and we are already quite good at travelling so we feel we are up for the challenge.. 

I will still be irregular here.. let's see. 

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  1. What good news on the eye. Prayers continuing your way that all will heal well.
    My late father went blind many years before he passed so I am very much aware of what your sons' situation was. It's pleasing the first Doctor hopped on it immediately and sent you son to a specialist.

  2. I am so glad he is on the mend!


  3. Good news of steady healing -- a relief for all!

  4. So glad to hear D is on the mend! xxx

  5. He is a trooper! I'm thinking of him! I'm sure y'all have tried this but maybe fun audiobooks for D if reading/tv gets to be too much strain?

  6. Thank you for the update! I have been praying for D and his eye every single morning (and for you and your family as well). I am so glad that he has a good prognosis. Phew! (He and you are still staying on my prayer list).

  7. How scary for D and the whole family! Glad to hear he is on the road to recovery.

  8. I am so happy to hear your sweet boy is on the mend! It is amazing how quickly things can happen. You had excellent medical intervention and that obviously went a long way to the improvement you see. Take care!

  9. I am so happy to hear that he is on the mend but what a scary ordeal for all of you. Continued prayers for you all.

  10. Oh, I sadly know about the acanthamoeba keratitis and how painful the infection and treatment are! Glad that you got it diagnosed and that your son is on the mend. Sending you love! <3

  11. Thank you for sharing all this. I'm sure it has been a scary time for the entire family. I'm thankful he's made such progress and will continue to pray for him (and all of you!).

  12. Thank you so much for the update! Prayers continue for your brave guy. Enjoy your travels!

  13. Anonymous7/29/2024

    Glad D is on the mend. Many positive thoughts still sent your way.

  14. I'm so glad to hear D's eye is on the mend. Well done to him for tolerating the eye drops. They're never easy!

  15. I'm so glad things are improving. I'm sure it has been a frightening thing to deal with. Continued prayers his recovery keeps moving forward.

  16. Wow, how terrible. Glad you got a proper diagnosis and things are healing up, but that must have been scary. I did not know there were parasites that attacked the eye.

  17. Sending good thoughts and prayers for complete and perfect healing for your son. It is wonderful that he got to see a specialist so quickly and that the doctor immediately began treatment.

  18. OMG How scary. Glad they were able to diagnose properly and find a solution despite it being difficult and long. Hope D continues to heal and make a total recovery.

  19. So good the doctor sent you to a specialist! It sounds tough, but I'm glad he is getting better and the treatment is working. Wish your family happy travels and continued health!


  20. That is so scary and such an ordeal but I am glad he got quick treatment and that your doctor immediately referred you to a specialist. I am glad he's doing better and will continue to pray for him to keep healing!

  21. I am so glad he is on the mend. You must have been frantic with worry.

  22. I never knew anyone could have a parasite infection of the eye, but thank goodness D was correctly diagnosed and placed under the best possible care. Wishing him a complete healing and sending comfort your way for peaceful and healthy days ahead as well.

  23. I'm so glad to hear he's on the mend. That sounded so scary and it's good you caught it quickly. The traveling should help ease his boredom. Enjoy your family time and travels.

  24. I am so very sorry to read about D's eye, but glad that he is on the mend. Also happy that he was diagnosed so that it could be fixed. My husband had a scratch on his cornea many years ago and remember his discomfort so know how incredibly uncomfortable issues with eye health can be. I send continued prayers for a speedy recovery, and also wish you all happy travels.

  25. I'm so happy to hear he's doing well. What an awful time for all of you. I hope he continues to get better.

  26. Well, this sounds encouraging. Young people are so resilient and I hope you are all able to enjoy some time away together. Hopes and prayers.

  27. So glad to hear he is on the mend! I hope it continues to improve and you'll all still have a good time travelling!

  28. I’m happy to hear he is on the mend and they’ve identified the problem. Wishing him a full recovery.

  29. Thank you for sharing this part of your lives with us! I am so glad to hear that his eye is getting better. So thankful for the doctor who realized this was beyond her capabilities, also. Hope that you have a wonderful time making memories on your summer travels and that his eye continues to heal. My daughter will continue to say prayers for your family <3


  30. My heavens, the bad luck of getting this infection and then the good luck of getting the help needed for treatment must have felt like a roller coaster ride. So glad to hear your son is recovering well from this dreadful condition. With strong family support behind him, he will likely be good as new sooner rather than later. A reminder that life is unpredictable.

  31. Oh, so scary. I'm glad it all is okay for now.

  32. How horrifying - I'm so glad he's on the mend. Saying a prayer for continued recovery.

  33. I am heartened to hear the positive news. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Have safe and fun travels :).

  34. I can only agree with other commenters. Blessings and healing prayers, my dear.

  35. How scary! I had an eye injury 2ish years ago and had to do intensive eye drops and stuff. I still have trouble when my eye gets too dry, but otherwise, all is well. I am so thankful you all were able to get a quick diagnosis and D is on the mend! I hope you have great travels!

  36. I can't imagine how scared all of you must have been. I'm so glad he's on the mend and I'll say another prayer for him. Have an amazing week!

  37. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to read this, Hena, but as the others have said, it's good to hear he is on the mend. Ack! I can only imagine how worried you guys were:( After we went to the cottage, my youngest got a lot of mosquito bites and two ended up being tick bites that developed into a bulls eye....she just finished her round of antibiotics to prevent Lyme disease (fingers crossed). I'm telling you, being a parent really sure is an adventure....and not always in a good way sometimes:(

  38. Anonymous7/30/2024

    OMG wow, I am so sorry this happened. It is scary AF. I am glad it is clearing up. I had an eye infection a year and half ago and used an in eye antibiotic but it still permanently damaged the vision in that eye.

    Allie of

  39. Well Hena I am so sorry to just be learning of this. I hate that D has had much if not all of his summer consumed with an eye malady! What a bummer! I hope that he is much better each day and that wherever your travels take you next, he and you all will have a memorable time. Thank God for doctors who care about patients. It seems they are becoming more scarce by the day. xoxo

  40. I'm so glad D is improving.
    Wishing D a continued recovery and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. 🙏
    Take care!

  41. Omg! What a scary situation! I'm so happy your eye doctor got you in touch with a specialist and diagnosed the problem correctly so D could get the treatment he needed. As a mother my heart goes out to you. There is no worry like that of a mother for her child! So happy D is on the mend! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep us updated!

  42. So glad he is doing better! What a scary thing to happen. Praying that he continues to heal and you enjoy your travels.

  43. Anonymous7/31/2024

    Thinking of you all today. May you be blessed with what you need.

  44. Oh wow, so thankful for the specialist the God has given wisdom to treat these things. I am so glad to hear that he is getting better every day. So sorry he didn't last long at camp. Nice you found a really good one, maybe next year :)

  45. I'm so happy he's on the mend! I'll be praying for continued healing.

  46. I am relieved he is going better! I had a colleague's son suffering the same but they discovered it very very late!

  47. The poor wee lad! I am so glad things are coming along. It's awful when your kid is sick. All the best!

  48. That's great news about D! Hope he continues to get better and a make a full recovery.

  49. I’m so glad to hear D is making progress! Your strength and care are truly inspiring. Wishing him a speedy and full recovery.

  50. It's great to hear that you son is on the mend and feeling a little better. Good luck and I hope he has a speedy recovery for his eyes.

  51. Thanks for checking in and updating us, I am pleased to read that is eye is on the mend, I hope things continue improving

  52. Many thanks for the update, pleased that 'D's eye is healing.
    My continued thoughts and prayers.

    All the best Jan

  53. Anonymous7/31/2024

    Hope my comment came through okay.
    Continued prayers for 'D's healing.

    All the best Jan

  54. I am so grateful you provided an update and that things are improving. I'm sure you'll be nervous till all is completely healed but this is definitely good news. Your doc was a wise one -- we all hope that when something is beyond what our doc does or knows, it is recognized, as it was with you. The good wishes for D continue. And, for all your family.

  55. I'm glad too hear that D is doing better!

  56. Oh my gosh, how scary! I'm so glad to hear his eye is healing! Sending prayers that he is feeling better soon.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  57. I'm glad to hear that he is doing better! Wishing him a fast recovery.

  58. Like D, I've also suffered with sight loss and scary eye issues this year and I'm so relieved that he's on the mend now. xxx

  59. That sounds so scary, but I'm so glad to hear that he is on the mend now
    Julia x

  60. So glad D is on the mend. It sounds like you received excellent medical care along the way.

  61. Thank you for the update!!! I am so happy to hear D is on the mend. Continued prayers.

  62. Just getting caught up on your world, Hema, and so sorry to hear about D's eye issues! I am so glad your eye doc referred him to a specialist right away and that he's responding to treatment.

  63. Your poor boy, oh my. It sounds serious, and could have been a lot worse. So glad you found a specialist to help you with this. I do hope he continues to get better, and I hope both the boys have a wonderful school year.


  64. Thankful to read this update but hope you will provide us with another one in the near future. My goodness, what a very scary time. Glad you are on the other side of this problem and D is on the mend.

  65. So glad you were able to catch it and be able to do treatment for it. I hope he is continuing to improve. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back and check in. I've been crazy busy with back to school. But I'll be sure to keep checking for more updates!


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