Two Days in Yosemite National Park

On the eighth day of our Californian adventure we left the city of Los Angeles behind. But before we made the long long drive to Yosemite National Park we stopped to have breakfast with my cousin and his fiancee. This is the cousin we had dinner with when we were in Anaheim but we couldn't meet his fiancee so we arranged a breakfast before we left.       

We met at Republic

The food was great and their baked goods section was ridiculous! We even bought some goodies for the road. 

The drive to YNP entrance was around five hours long. We stayed right outside the entrance at Tenya Lodge in Fish Camp. We had booked a 5pm Yosemite Valley Floor tour for that evening. The valley floor is an additional hours drive from the entrance so even though we tried to time things perfectly we still thankfully just barely made it to the tour. H had to throw up.. those roads in the national park are winding. 

But we made it.. phew!

If you are going to YNP for the first time I highly recommend starting with a floor tour. I am not a tour person.. they offer more information than I am actually interested in and I start to get bored. But this one was amazing.. our tour guide was amazing.. this is an absolute must. The tour was two hours long.

YNP is massive, we barely saw 5% of it but the tour helped us get our bearings. Now unfortunately for you I will tell you everything I learnt.. this is going to be a long one.. you ready?

1. The first road in YNP was built in 1869 by Chinese and Italian immigrants. The Chinese immigrants played a major role in the development of the park. You can learn more about that here
2. The park is approximately the size of Rhode Island. It receives 6 million visitors' per year and in August about 6000 per day. 
3. James Hutching monetized the park and introduced tourism.
4. The Ahwahnechee were the original inhabitants of YNP. Many still lived in and near the park until 1969 when the Yosemite staff decided to raze the villages forcing native people out of their ancestral homes.
5. There is only one type of bear that lives in the park, it is the American Black Bear. 

There were many many more tidbits our guide shared..

Now going back a bit.. when we first entered the park we were surrounded by dead trees. We assumed it was the result of a wildfire.. it was a heartbreaking image.. especially as it was our first impression of the park.

During our tour we learned that it was a result of a prescribed burn. The prescribed burn was a practice of the native people. But once they were pushed out of the park the settlers banned the practice. A prescribed burn is a controlled fire set intentionally for purposes of forest management, fire suppression, farming, prairie restoration or greenhouse gas abatement. In order words when the forest gets too dense the chances of wildfires increase. A prescribed burn not only solves that problem but also burns of the weaker trees to enable to the stronger to get the sun and nutrients they need to thrive. Another benefit concerns the life cycle of a sequoia tree. A sequoia tree acorn is the size of a chicken egg and covered in a thick resin. The only way for the acorn to open and the seed to emerge is via fire. 

The ban resulted in many catastrophic fires in the park and after research they realized the native people were right all along. Duh. You can read more about that here

Yosemite Falls - usually the falls are dry around this time but we were very lucky because they had a lot of snow and rain throughout the year. Yay.

El Capitan on the left. It is 2 Empire State Buildings tall. Home to 252 different rock climbing routes. The documentary Free Solo is about Alex Honnold who climbed El Cap. To the right we have Bridal Veil Falls. 

This is the view from Tunnel View. I tried to make a video of us coming out of the tunnel and getting this view more than a few times but was never able to get a good one. But this view.. this whole place was spectacular. 

We were so tired after that.. we grabbed some dinner at Yosemite Lodge Base Camp.. it was cafeteria style with a decent variety. Then we made the one hour drive back to the hotel and crashed!

Funny Facts -
1.The whole time M and I talked about going to Yosemite D thought we going to go tour a college. We have been to both Harvard and Princeton so I guess it's a fair point. He said is he thought we were saying U of Simite. 
2. All day we said the word Yosemite but when the kids read the signs they thought we were saying it wrong and the park was actually pronounced 'yoz mite' And now that is what we call it. 

We woke up refreshed and ready for our first full day in the park. 

We had breakfast at the hotel and headed out. 


FIRST STOP - Mariposa Grove. You park in the lot and then take the free shuttle to the grove. Mariposa Grove is the largest sequoia grove in Yosemite and is home to over 500 mature giant sequoias. In 1864 President Lincoln signed legislation protecting the Mariposa Grove and Yosemite Valley. It was the first time in our nation's history, the federal government set aside scenic natural areas to be protected for the benefit of future generations. Yosemite National Park was later added in 1906.

STOP TWO - Bridal View Falls. This was our favorite thing. Afterwards everything we did compared to the awesomeness of these falls. This can be a 10 minute walk to the view platform or you can spend hours just climbing boulders and basking in the majestic glory of these falls. I am not exaggerating. I made a reel here

Then we stopped to have lunch. We had pizza in Curry Village. The pizza was phenomenal.

THIRD STOP - Vernal Falls. It was supposed to be a 3 mile round trip. We planned on getting to the footbridge and then see how we were doing and continue on the the falls based on that. This one was not for us. My kids don't like to just walk.. even it there were inclines.. they like to climb and boulder. Then it feels like they are playing and not just walking. We barely made it to the footbridge. There were no pretty views it was just steep walking and a lot of it. Every person who passed us on their way back was panting.. that didn't comfort me. 

And so we turned back after we got to the footbridge and trekked the way back down. After the hour plus drive back to the hotel we were exhausted. We had to bribe the kids with dessert for dinner just to get them out of the car and into the hotel restaurant. 

Magically happy. Our dinner was pretty blah.. I think we all would have been better with just having dessert for dinner. 

The hotel had a free laundry room so M and I washed our clothes before hitting the sack.


We didn't hurry to rush out.. we could hear the scurrying of feet outside our door but instead of trying to beat the rush we thought we'd head out after the rush. We had breakfast in the hotel again. And then we headed out. I was almost afraid sleeping in was a bad idea and the line to enter the park was going to be crazy but thankfully that was not true and we breezed right through. 

FIRST STOP - Sentinel Dome. Instead of heading down to the Yosemite Floor we headed east instead towards the dome. It was a two mile round trip. And it was worth every single step.

We had to get to the top of that.. 

We have the Three Brothers to the left named after Chief Tenaya's three sons murdered by the settlers and El Cap to the right.

 We spent a lot of time up here just savoring the view. It was perfect. 

SECOND STOP - Wawona Swimming Hole. Now in all my planning it never occured to me to look into Yosemite swimming holes. I wish I had.. we would have been better prepared. But we saw a sign on the way back to the hotel.. a little goggling revealed there was hidden swimming hole. It was a very weird drive.. we almost felt we were going the wrong way but we found it.  

There were very few people there but they had come prefered with inflatables.. the water was crystal clear and ice cold. We would have stayed longer but while taking the photo of M on the bridge I managed to slice open my baby toe. The water was so cold I didn't even feel it until I noticed all the blood. Yikes. So we headed back to the hotel.

Some traveling essentials we always carry with us..especially on outdoorsy adventures are muscle relief menthol cream for all those aches and pains as well as band aids, alcohol wipes and some antibacterial ointment. When the kids were little I packed stickers as well to take their minds of the injury. I always have some pain killers and allergy meds on me as well. 

The hotel had pools, both indoor and outdoors, so while I got cleaned up M took the kids to the pool. (no pictures) Then we grabbed a snack.. some coffee and headed out again. 

THIRD STOP - Glacier Point. I told M we had to make it there to see the sunset. He was less convinced. I mean we have seen sunsets before in exotic locations and we are not so easily wowed by them. Glacier Point was an hour away from the hotel and the same way Sentinel Dome was. We parked and started walking towards the sunset when we saw everyone was going in the opposite direction. Turns out we weren't there to see the sun setting, we were there to see the colors of the sun on Half Dome.

Magnificent. Made a little video here


What a beautifully surreal two days. We saw so little of the park.. it's massive and one could spend weeks exploring. It was hard to say goodbye. 

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  1. Beautiful photos of the park, and you sure did have a hectic time. The falls are amazing, loved the video.

  2. Incredible photos! The waterfall is particularly spectacular and the sunset is stunning. xxx

  3. Yosemite is on my travel wish list!!

    Curated by Jennifer

  4. What a beautiful place. Overwhelming beauty and majesty.

  5. Your two days looks like many more than that. The photos are stunning!! So glad you were able to see your cousin twice and meet her beloved.

  6. You always make the best out of your vacation days. The photos are amazing. That pizza looks amazing as well.

  7. wow, gorgeous images and great recommendations!! it sounds like the floor tour is a really good place to start. the diaries you keep are amazing!! the kids and family look so good and the landscapes are really beautiful!! and btw, amazing food - the breakfasts look awesome!!

  8. How absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing this with us! Your photos are so beautiful, I feel as if I were there with you. I am going to share this with Peyton. She and Chis will love it!

  9. I have always wanted to go there, it looks just beautiful, I don't know that I could do have of those hikes though anymore, especially anything with a lot of incline, the trees is what I really would like to see, but the mountains always have me in Awe!

  10. A wonderful destination obviously and two days is not enough! A week or two there, well away from the tourist areas, would be a dream experience for me. Are you guys perchance obsessed with food? It seems as though every post features what you ate. Even your opening two pictures are of food. You mention that you had breakfast, we stopped for lunch, we had to bribe the kids with dinner, etc. It seems really odd to me.

  11. Such fantastic photos. You really captured the magnificence of the waterfalls, and I think that is sometimes hard to do. And, oh my, the food!

  12. I'm glad you had a couple of days there -- you really do need it. Such an amazing park. I loved the story about the kids and the pronunciation! What a college that would be!

  13. Thank you for this delightful virtual tour. While I envy your travels there is no way my husband and I have a fraction of the energy needed. lol Best wishes to you and your lovely family, my dear.

  14. Anonymous10/30/2023

    How wonderful! -Christine

  15. Yosemite National Park is absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing Hena!
    I am not a tour person either, by the way, for exactly the same reason :-)
    How funny that D thought you were going to a college :-)) xxx

  16. Yosemite looks just marvelous! I always knew it was big but I had no idea it was the size of an entire state. You guys could probably have used more days there.

  17. Fabulous photos Hena! It looks like your family had a great time and ate some delicious food. Yosemite looks amazing.

  18. This post is filled with incredibly beautiful photos, but I think my favorite might be the one at the beginning with the stunning blue sky, the green ground, and the dead trees. My husband learned in forestry school the benefits of prescribed burning and says it's not done often enough in many parts of this country. Are your boys not familiar with Yosemite Sam, the cartoon character? Maybe he's out of vogue now. 😂

  19. Great trip you had. You saw the sights and ate some great food.

  20. Anonymous10/30/2023

    So beautiful.

  21. I've been there and loved it. You took some breathtaking photos.

  22. Wow, wow and wow. I suspect two days wouldn't be enough for me - thank you for taking us along.

  23. Anonymous10/30/2023

    Absolutely FABULOUS.
    The photographs you've shared are wonderful, what a great time you had.

    All the best Jan

  24. YNP is on my bucket list. THanks for this informative post, Hena, esp. the info about the prescribed burn.

  25. Such wonderful photos what a lovely time it seems you had

  26. I loved all of your fabulous photos about Yosemite. I especially loved the Waterfalls. This is such a fascinating park and one of my favorite National Parks I have been able to visit.

  27. What a fabulous trip to Yosemite! My family and I go to lots of National Parks and this one is our list. We loved Sequoia National Park and saw large trees like you saw. So amazing!

  28. Oh my goodness, your pictures are stunning! I am so glad that you were able to go, it looks like the kids had a great time (I too would have had to be bribed with dessert heh). Funny enough, I am teaching a whole lesson about national parks in ELA, and my students are struggling readers and I found a simple book on Yosemite and we have been reading about it all week! It looks so beautiful, and your photos were way better than the ones in the book! Thank you for sharing them!

  29. It sounds like you made good time from LA. It is quite the long drive. I haven't been in years. (I actually went in high school on a band trip.) It is beautiful. So much to explore.

  30. I don’t know any children who have seen more of the world than your boys. Your family is fortunate. Love those smiles!

  31. Anonymous10/30/2023

    Yosemite is a pretty staggering place -- there's a reason Ansel Adams spent so much of his career taking photographs there. I loved your pictures of the falls & El Capitan. Beautiful sunset, too. And coming back with a story about your kids thinking that part of this trip was a college tour? Priceless.

    My husband and I spent one night years ago camping in a log cabin somewhere in one of the big valleys of Yosemite. I wasn't too happy when he woke me up at 3am. "You've got to come outside," he insisted. I think I was kind of grumpy about it all. But, oh my, the stars. So many stars. Not even in Montana have I ever seen so many stars. (anno)

  32. What a wonderful trip! Fantastic pictures and telling us about your time there.

  33. Gosh, the photos turned out amazing and what an incredible time. It's funny because we are all about the tours wherever we go. I feel like I learn so much from them, but the guide does make all the difference,

  34. Now that is my idea of a fantastic vacation! Wow the nature is so incredible. I have not been there since I was a kid ... and I too as a kid read it as yoze might ... haaahaha xoxo

  35. What incredible views! Mountains, waterfalls, vistas!

  36. These are amazing! What a great adventure.

  37. Oh my goodness! This was so fun to read, look at the photos, etc. I want to go and see this beautiful place so much now!! I loved the story of your son the term, Yosemite, and him thinking you were going to a college. I have a somewhat similar though different term. When we were planning our trip to Georgia and talking about it, our youngest thought that we were going to someone´s house name George. After we arrived, she kept asking when we were going to George´s (house? I guess). She must have heard the name Georgia and thought we were referring to a person name George, not a state named Georgia.

  38. Beautiful! I've never been but hope to one day!

  39. Great photos. Someday I hope to visit.

  40. What wonderful photos you took and I enjoyed reading this post about your time at the park. You had a wonderful family vacation!

  41. Yosemite is beautiful, and I so wish I could show you the way us Californian's pronounce it haha. The sunset pictures are so lovely. The pizza looks delicious, and the dessert Yummy. The waterfalls, the surrounding trees, the boulders, it's all so wonderful. I'm so glad you were able to have this adventure with your family. ; )


  42. It is an incredible place and one I am happy to have seen several years ago. Your photos are fabulous! So very enjoyable, thank you!

  43. Anonymous10/31/2023

    Lovely family and the last two photos are surreal.

  44. Lovely family and the last two photos are surreal.

  45. Wonderful place and great pictures.

  46. I've always wanted to visit Yosemite. Your photos are beautiful!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  47. Beautiful photos and you guys all look so happy! I've visited California so many times but for some reason always miss out on going to Yosemite.

  48. What an amazing trip! I would love to visit someday!

  49. Your photos are beautiful!! I can relate to feeling sick on those winding roads! The food all looked amazing. What a trip!

  50. Definitely on my travel wish list!

  51. Is incredible the beauty of the complete área of this natural California. The Big sequoyas have thousands of years. And the images of the top of the mountain are amazing.

  52. Yosemite is on my bucket list! What great pictures. Someday...

  53. I would love to go to Yosemite some day, it's just so far away from me!

  54. I knew Yosemite was big; I've heard the numbers... but comparing it to Rhode Island (a state I know very well!) puts that into real perspective for me. It looks like you had a fabulous couple of days there!!


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