Self Care

With the new year around the corner everyone starts to focus on making resolutions. Most of the common ones are always eat healthy, lose weight.. you know the drill.

I wanted to talk about self care. Some of the things I/We try to focus on are taking some time out of our over scheduled, busy stressed out lives to take a little time for ourselves. 

NUMBER ONE is making doctors appointments that we never have time to make. We keep putting the health of others first and are constantly putting off going to the doctor. Especially women and moms. I have had trouble sleeping for a few years now and I have tried every holistic DIY treatment I have read about but nothing has worked long term. After putting this off for years I finally made an appointment with a sleep specialist. 

With all the walking we do on our trips M started to feel a lot of pain in his feet. He finally went to the doctor and found out he has flat feet. And the solution is pretty easy - insoles for flat feet. He wore them while traipsing through Mexico City and he felt much better. 

NUMBER TWO is getting a massage. The first time I got one was a prenatal one 9ish years ago and I never stopped. We both get one once a month. In fact we get my in laws monthly massages as well and they love them. My mother in law exclaimed after her first 'I thought this pain in my shoulders was permanent, I never knew it could go away' Hence, get a massage. And they don't just help with aches and pains, they improve circulation, help with inflammation, headaches, stress, heart rate and blood pressure.. have I convinced you yet? But if you really don't like the idea of someone touching you or the cost is too high buy a massage gun. We have one of these and they really hit the spot.

NUMBER THREE get a heating pad.. I know I sound like an old lady with all my aches and pain but this is my version of self care. I rarely go get my hair done, can't remember the last mani pedi I got, taking a bath is on my to do list every year. But the heating pad.. I get in bed after a crazy day and turn this bad boy on and aaahhhh. 

NUMBER FOUR have a hobby. Whether you like to read or paint or knit (like so many of my very talented blog friends do) Take a walk, work on a puzzle. Something that makes you take a step away from all the craziness and get lost in.While reading is my number one hobby, last year I also got into diamond painting. This year I want to work on some of the puzzle I have sitting in the closet collecting dust. 

NUMBER FIVE this one is important. I think the quote above pretty much sums it up. M and I have collectively decided that we will not subscribe to any drama. Yes, sometimes it follows us home but we try to stay away from it as much as possible. We try, the keyword try, to not dwell too much on why someone said or did what they did. 

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  1. I really enjoyed reading this. What you say is true and it is a good time of year to use those techniques. I love massages.

  2. Wonderful reminder. Massages are the BEST medicine!

  3. Hello,
    Great post and I agree with all your suggestions and advice. Take good care of you, let go of the drama it is not worth the stress. Take care, have a happy new week!

  4. sage advice to everyone!! I do a lot of self care because I need more 'down' time than most people. I get so overwhelmed and cranky if I don't get that quiet restive time.

  5. Very wise self-care decisions, all of them!

  6. it is always wise to take care of yourself first, especially when you are caring for children and family!!

  7. I have never had a massage other than from my hubby, guess I just feel weird having someone else I don't know touching me, LOL! I do totally agree on the hobby side of things though, that is totally my therapy where I can escape everything and have fun creating!

  8. Thank you! Great advice.
    The massage will be tough. Starting off with a foot massage and pedicure feels easier.

  9. Love all the quotes but my favorite is the massage quote. I dearly love massages and really need one now!

  10. I HATE massages. I had one. Once. It was horrible. Never again.

    Self care is different for everybody, I think. You have to do what's right for you. That's a good list.

  11. I had a wonderful massage last week. My massage therapist advertises when she has a cancellation, and that has really worked for me!

  12. Number five is so important. It is easy to be drawn in…

  13. Great tips Hena! I am getting a massage in two days and making those doctors appointments is a good one.

  14. WoW great advice! Thanks. Happy December. Greetings.

  15. Great tips, I make sure I eat healthy and have massages and spa visits often,
    have a great week,

  16. These are very useful tips, Hena! I could definitely do with a massage! xxx

  17. Yes to all these... except the massage; I have never had any desire to have one. I went to a spa once and it made me super uncomfortable.

  18. Wise words and actions indeed. Thank you for the reminder...

  19. Great suggestions, especially the ones about finding hobbies and distancing yourself from drama. I tried a massage once and unfortunately it wasn't as pleasant as I had hoped for. I've since learned I have fibromyalgia which isn't conducive to touch or massage. I hope you'll share photos of the puzzles you work next year!

  20. Great tips. I thnk hobbies are essential and so great for distracting us/ allowing us to do something besides think about work or stress.

  21. Anonymous12/12/2022

    What a great post and the timing is perfect (I know we all are feeling that holiday stress!). That quote is something I really need to remember!


  22. Self care has become so important during these times. I try to make it a priority every day and it's a great source of motivation for my workouts.

  23. I love this list, Hena! I wholeheartedly agree about the whole drama thing. My hubby and I don't have a lot of people we hang out with IRL just because of this...we are too old and too tired of all the drama. And yes to hobbies, esp. knitting and painting! :D
    PS I so need a heating pad. My back....ugh!

  24. I haven't had a massage for years. I need to get back into caring for myself!

  25. Yes to all of this! Thank you, my friend!

  26. This is a great plan!! I need to add a few of these to my repetoir!

  27. Health is wealth - make and keep those Dr. appointments!


  28. Thanks for this wonderful reminder!

  29. Great advice, Hena!

    Happy Tuesday!

  30. This is such good advice! I think it's important to do whatever we can to be kind to ourselves and carve out time for us through the year. Although I am not organised enough for monthly massages, whenever I do have a rare kid free day I try book one in, it's so relaxing!

    Hope you are having a lovely day.

  31. useful tips...
    Thank you for sharing.

    # Happy December

  32. I couldn't exist without orthotics, massage or my medical team! I'm so glad your husband's feet are much improved.

  33. It is so important to remember to stop and take care of yourself.

  34. Great post and a huge yes to the heating pad. I don't use one every day but it really is such a soothing way to end the day.

  35. All excellent advice, Hena! I suffered from Planter Fasciitis at one time and found I needed orthotics in my shoes and they made a big difference. I also had foot surgery to correct bunions. Drama and stress is another thing I try to avoid as much as possible. I find being in nature is a wonderful way to feel less stress.

  36. I won't be getting a massage but the other things I agree with.

  37. These are such a great tips- and it's true, it's so important to prioritize your body and self-care!

    New post is live here, hope to see you there!


  38. Wise words! One of the best things about being self-employed is that I no longer have to spend my days in the company of drama queens/kings, doom merchants and hydrochrondriatics - its done wonders for my mental health.
    Not a fan of massages but it's all about finding out about what's right for for us as individuals, vive la difference! xxx

  39. Anonymous12/16/2022

    This is so true I have off the week between Christmas and NYE and I so plan on doing a number of these things. Love this!

    Allie of

  40. Anonymous12/16/2022

    Yes these are all great ways to care for oneself, great advice here!

    Allie of

  41. This is a great post, thank you!

  42. I think self care is important, but I agree with Liz A., self care is different for everyone. I don't trust the medical establishment anymore, so I avoid doctors like a plague, and I also don't like massages. But I think growing your own food is extraordinary important, eating well and clean, exercising, faith, and sleep are so important.

  43. Anonymous12/17/2022

    I remember that first quote I read before I don't know how many years and after that start spent more and more time in bathroom in front of mirror taking care about my body but also started with meditation to take care about my mind. Self care is so important.

  44. Anonymous12/18/2022

    This is so true. I think without taking care of yourself you can't do much of anything. I enjoyed reading this because it is so accurate.

  45. These are some great suggestions. Love a good massage! And I have two heating pads now and I LOVE them, haha--one for my neck and one for my back! I get sore so easily anymore.

  46. Some good helpful tips on here today. Sorry your son has flat feet, I do too! As I get older, I need more supportive shoes when I walk. Hobbies are a sure way to help someone relax and get our minds off the things that are troubling us. Puzzles are delightful to put together, and my granddaughter is really into them right now.

    Wishing you good things for the new year.



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