
We have been busy.. and I have very few pictures to show for it. 

To begin.. the Rangers lost in the semi finals.. and I have a house full of disappointed boys. :(    

My cousin graduated med school last week. She is originally from California so my aunt and uncle flew out for the big day.. my great aunt and uncle also joined in the festivities from Pennsylvania. We had dinner with the family in New York and then later in the week they all came to my house and we had a lovely (take out) dinner together. I especially enjoy watching my kids connect with our more distant relatives. 

We also had a BBQ with some friends we hadn't met in over four years and reconnected like no time had passed. That I feel is the sign of a good friendship.  

This weekend the boys were both staying at a friends house so M and I went out for burgers and then again out for breakfast. I don't think not having the kids in the house changed things much except that it was much quieter. 

On Sunday they both returned.. we ended the week with a game of Scrabble with H beating us.


and made smores. If you have an Aldi near you I suggest you pick these cookies up. They are great on their own but made the best smores. 

With only a few weeks of school left I am shopping for teachers gifts..

I found these cute tote bags, will add a candy bar and a gift card.. wrap it with a ribbon and I think we should be good. Any teachers reading? What are/were your favorite teacher gifts?

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  1. Those bags are ideal for what you require them for.
    Love scrabble, many hours playing that in the past.
    The food does look good.

  2. That's two things I need to Google, the word "tressy" and what on earth a "smore" is, American English has so many differences to English English! xxx

  3. Anonymous6/03/2024

    Love the bags.

  4. Love those tote bags -- so cute! Too bad about the Rangers' loss to the Florida Panthers. My city's team, the Edmonton Oilers, will be playing the Panthers for the Stanley Cup starting next weekend. GO OILERS!

  5. Friendship that reconnects and resumes where it left off is the best!

  6. The bags are so cute I'm sure they will be a hit. We love playing Scrabble at our house too. I hope the boys have a wonderful Summer vacation.

  7. what nice gifts! The teachers will love them. How nice to have a dinner date and a breakfast date.

  8. You have been busy!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  9. I love all the tote bags! They make great gifts.

  10. Congrats to your cousin! That is quite an accomplishment. How great to meet up with family and friends whom you don´t see often. The teachers´ totes are all cute!

  11. So nice when you can catch up with long distance family members and friends you haven't seen in awhile. Those bags and goodies are a great idea for a teacher, they will love them and appreciate them too!

  12. Teacher gifts! What a thoughtful gesture to those who play such an important role in the lives of our children.

  13. It's good to connect with famiy and friends. I love the totes you have bought for the teacers! Have a great week!

  14. I was sad to see the Rangers lose, mostly because the Panthers beat my time in the first round so I was hoping someone would beat them. Haha.

  15. Like Vix, I have no idea what a smore is, so off to google I go :-)
    Loving those tote bags! xxx

  16. Thank you for sharing the cookies from Aldi, for making smores. We will be heading out for a camp trip the last week of June, and this will be a yummy dessert for us.

  17. Sounds like you've had some fun times (except for the Rangers defeat). I love the tote bags.

  18. Those bags are brilliant and would make perfect gifts for a teacher. I particularly like the one about the importance of punctuation.

  19. I agree with Elephant's Child - the punctuation bag is excellent. The sweetest present I ever had was some homemade perfume. I made the mistake of putting some on - it was awful, but the little girl was pleased.

  20. Congrats to your cousin!

  21. Sucks when our sporting term loses but someone has too.
    I like the tote bags, here bags like this are used as school library bags

  22. Indeed the best friendships are those where you're able to reconnect like no time has passed even if it has been years.

  23. I need to get some of those cookies from Aldi! Yum!

  24. Those are great bags. I especially love the "we've got pi" comment on the math one.

  25. Fantastic teacher gifts!

    I'm sorry the Rangers didn't make it all the way.

  26. Oh how I miss playing scrabble after seeing your game board! Too bad the Rangers lost, but that's sports - you win some/you lose some, Better luck next time. The BBQ looks outstanding with brussels sprouts (I happen to LOVE them) and I never would have thought to make smores with those cookies, but yum! Congrats to your cousin for graduating med school too!

  27. Congrats to your cousin! And love the tote bags:)

  28. Sorry about the Rangers loss. The BBQ looks so good. I love those tote bags. They are so cute.

  29. Using the butter cookies to make s'mores is pure genius. I definitely need to try this. I am so glad you were able to spend quality time with friends and family!

  30. It's great to get with family. Love the bags too!

  31. Those totes are awesome!! I love playing Scrabble, but my kids don't, LOL!

  32. Those bags are perfect for teacher's gifts! I love that you got to spend time with family; I still enjoy seeing my kids interact with more distant relatives.

  33. Anonymous6/03/2024

    Thats a shame the Rangers lost, but I hope the boys spirits were lifted by the family gathering and love the totes! Great gift ideas.

    Allie of

  34. As a teacher/librarian I would love to have received a gift like those bags! Such a neat idea! I need to play Scrabble one of these days, it's been a while. Sounds like some busy times for you. Hope you have a good week!

  35. Love those bags.
    It's been a long time since I last played Scrabble.

  36. Scrabble is fun! Wonderful that you got to spend time with extended family. Congrats to your cousin graduating med school! I love those gift bags. "Punctuation saves lives" made me smile! Have a wonderful week!

  37. Wow, you did have a busy month! You can't beat a good game of Scrabble, and I'd imagine a tote bag would be a godsend for any teacher.

  38. So many wonderful things in this post. Those smores look delish and these bags are adorable.

  39. I love those butter cookies. I usually see them called "petit ecolier." I didn't realize they had them at Aldi. I'm going to have to check that out.

  40. I'm a teacher and LOVE those tote bags!! Perfect teacher gifts for sure.

  41. It sounds like y'all had an exciting week! Those totes are awesome! Such a thoughtful gift!

  42. The s'mores look amazing! I also love the tote bags you've picked.

  43. Those teacher bags are a nice end of the year gift. I'm sure they will love it. The barbecue looks really good. There's nothing like a barbecue. So nice that you had the house to yourself for awhile. Sometimes we need that quiet time away from the kids. Those cookies sure look Yummy, but we don't have an Aidi here. In fact, I haven't heard of it, so I'm wondering if we have them in Calif. I enjoy your "this and that" posts, they are delightful in so many ways.



  44. We are bummed that the Rangers lost. It always nice to see family and friends. Those are such cute bags. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  45. Those tote bags are all absolutely adorable! Perfect teacher gifts :)

  46. Those totes are darling, Hena! My favorite is Punctuation Saves Lives, hahahaaha xoxo

  47. Those bags are perfect! I love smores and I think they have those cookies in our Walmart in Canada.

  48. Aww, I know what it feels like when the one you root for in sports loses, such a bummer! The tote bags are adorable, and I LOVE chocolate covered butter biscuits! <3

  49. Anonymous6/06/2024

    You have been busy!
    I think those bags are brilliant and make such a nice gift for a teacher.

    All the best Jan

  50. That first picture says it all. Sorry your Rangers did not make it. We are now hoping the Oilers take it!

  51. Hello, dear! Poor disappointed boys:( Boys take sports so seriously. My husband is like that too, he gets depressed if our team loses...but on the upper side, he's really happy when they win.
    It's great you reconnected with your friends.
    I agree it's a sign of true friendship when you can just pick up where things left off.
    In our country, we don't really do teachers gifts. Our students typically buy us gifts on 8th of March, that's the International Women's Day. However, this means that male teachers get left out and this isn't very fair.
    I love these teacher gift ideas.
    Those tote bags are adorable.

  52. Aww sounds like you had an awesome month with friends and family. :) Absolutely love the totes. And teachers DO change the world. <3

  53. Congrats on your cousin graduated medical school. That is quite the accomplishment. Love the gift bag idea for the teachers.

  54. It always feels to me like the end of May/start of June is so hectic! Graduations, weddings, and more over here--hope the rest of your summer will calm down!

  55. The tote bags are great -- how thoughtful of you. Hungry now for s'mores.. a blast from the past for me!

  56. It does sound like you have been busy, and the tote bags are cute!

  57. Congratulations to your cousin. The BBQ and the s'mores look so delicious and I love the tote bags - great gift idea.
    Julia x

  58. bags look so cute.... love to have one

  59. As a Linguistics major at university, I adore the dinosaur bag! Punctuate! I stopped watching hockey once the Bruins were out. Sorry for my absence, just getting caught up following my vacation!

  60. I need those cookies in my life, stat! And great idea to make s'mores with them!

    Hope you guys are having a fun start to summer!


  61. Yes, too bad about the Rangers. I love scrabble but have not played in a long time. We get some good finds at Aldis. My husband likes the dark chocolate bars from I believe Belgium and buys them regularly. I'll have to tell him about the cookies. As a retired teacher (I taught for 30 years), my favorite gift was a gift certificate. I do like the saying on the bags but after a few year of collecting all the really cute things that parents found on mugs, bags, socks, picture frames etc., I could have opened a store. Nice that you are including a gift certificate in it.

  62. Lucky teachers! And those cookies look great for smores. I wouldn't have thought of that. It sounds like a good week. I just love a good scrabble game!


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