
Istanbul: Day Two

We started day two with a trip to the Spice Bazaar delightful place, delectable smells.. and even a few free samples nom nom. and then made our way over the Galata Bridge.. not much to see there.. a lot of fishy smells and a pass if you don't want to catch fish or eat fish. We grabbed a taxi to Taksim Square which was a let down. The whole place was under construction.. so D grabbed a quick snack and we had some cafe lattes to refuel.. We grabbed another taxi to Dombalache Palace.. nice grounds but not much too ooh and aah over after you've seen the garden's and grounds of Versailles (there is that whole we've become jaded story.. it's unfortunate but true) and we ended up not going inside the Palace as they was an almost two hour wait for a 45 minutes mandatory guided tour.. bummer. this is what D did through most of our trip. Meaning everything took double the time.. he even insisted on carrying it up the stairs himself! Another tax

Istanbul: Day One

We arrived a little after noon and since it was time to check in just yet we decided to take a stroll and eat a light lunch. We found Albura Kathisma. The complimentary balloon like bread with olives, a grilled cheese salad for me and a spinach crepe for M.  Then we continued our stroll headed towards the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia Unfortunately, with the blessing of travel also comes the chance of becoming jaded.. and I am sad to say that we are jaded. Standing inside two of what are to be some of the most beautiful mosques in the world.. we looked at each other and thought.. hmm nice. Did You Know:   The Blue Mosque was the inspiration for the building of Mohammad Ali's Mosque in Cairo. They were built by the same architect. Next stop.. the Basilica Cistern Followed by a dessert break.. how could we not? The beautiful and delicious, creamy white and green pistachio rice pudding.. We found this treat at the Hafiz Mustafa sweet shop on our way to the

My Little Brother's Wedding: The End

The Munchkin a Munckin no more..  M and I  Shoes and once my mother's antique payal (an anklet that jiggles when you walk) Rituals and Traditions.. the bride and groom eat a rice pudding of sorts and then all those single men and women looking to get married eat a spoonful too. Our version of catching the bouquet.  Leaving the reception under the blessings and protection of the Holy Quran   Home Saying Goodbye. 99.9% of girls (middle eastern, sub-continental etc) go from their parents home to their husbands home. So saying goodbye really is the hardest part..  I'm taking the next week off.. but when I come back I have 3 days of Istanbul to share with you and 2 BIG announcements!  Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space.  See  Sponsors  for more information .  Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

Let the Fun Begin

Here's comes one of the most fun events.. there is music and dancing and just an overall good time. This is also one of those extra events, not everyone makes it part of their wedding. It is obviously an extra cost, but it also requires a lot of hard work. When I say dance, there is not a lot of free dancing but more of pre-prepared dances requiring weeks of rehearsal, enough people having the time and skill to participate so on and so forth. And the guest get to sit back and enjoy. :)  Here comes the bride My brother and sister in law My Parents  A picture where D is smiling.. how can this one not be an immediate fav! A few of my girls.. friends over 15 years and still going strong :) The groom joins in on the fun.. The kinda guy who wears sunglasses indoors and at night.. lol  Family. Just one more event to go.. and then we're off to Turkey. Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space. 

Hot Mess!

We have made it through thirteen days and onto our fifth event.. the groom's event.. so as the hosts this was a particularly long hot day.. and by the end of it I was just a mess. There are a lot of formalities that take place on this day.. the event had over a thousand invitees.. I started out like this.. you can already see the tired eyes.. this too was an outfit worn during my own wedding.. It and I looked so much better that day.   D is mischievous self  The happy and I must add stunningly radiant couple One of my favorite pictures..  Five down two more to go.. Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space.  See  Sponsors  for more information .  Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

Skip Ahead to the Fourth

M didn't arrive till the early morning of the 3rd event. So all the photo taking responsibilities were on me, plus the motherly duties and the sisterly duties and the daughterly duties.. you can imagine the rest.. so the thing I let slide unfortunately was the picture taking. So I have no documentation of what I wore on either of the two events.. :( So we'll skip right over to the fourth event. It was the brides event.. so we got to play guest.  M and I - recalling the days of our wedding photo shoots. D sandwiches between my mother in law and myself.  D is so over the picture talking..  the family :) Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now also offering ad space.  See  Sponsors  for more information .  Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?