
Showing posts from December, 2020

It's That Time of Year

If it was a normal year we would be on a hot beach somewhere soaking up the sun.. but this has been no normal year.. We are keeping spirits high though.. the snow filled past week really help amp up the joy. We have a slopping backyard which comes in really handy when it snows.. we had some neighborhood kids stop by and sled down as well. Keeping with the holiday spirit we decided to make cookie decorating kits for our friends and neighbors. I baked over sixty sugar cookies, packed little baggies of sprinkles and made colorful icing.. I had a bunch of pastel food coloring so our icing looks less Christmasy and more Easterish.  I'm going to be taking a blogging break for the rest of the year.. I wish you all a very Happy Holiday and New Year.                          Etsy             Instagram             Twitter            ...

Reading lately

So I am currently reading my 25th book of the year.. that is a record for me, post children. Covid and being stuck at home obviously had a lot to do with it.  The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan Synopsis -  Winnie and Helen have kept each other's worst secrets for more than fifty years. Now, because she believes she is dying, Helen wants to expose everything. And Winnie angrily determines that she must be the one to tell her daughter, Pearl, about the pastā€”including the terrible truth even Helen does not know. And so begins Winnie's story of her life on a small island outside Shanghai in the 1920s, and other places in China during World War II, and traces the happy and desperate events that led to Winnie's coming to America in 1949. Thoughts - This wasn't a really long book.. but sometimes it felt really long. Based in China during and before World War II it was not always fun to read about all the horrors people have to live through during war. But add all the...

The Happiest People...

So.. we had a little Covid scare last week. We found out M who barely leaves the house except to go play cricket once a week in an outdoor field with some friend came into contact with someone who tested positive. Someone who decided to keep it a secret for a week and not tell anyone until another aqcuaintace sussed it out of him. And now everyone at the cricket game and all their families had a bit of a freak out. We cancelled everything.. had our groceries delivered and didn't leave the house till thankfully we got the negative result. But how infuriating.. some people.. argh. And with the cases on the rise again the kids have gone back to virtual school.. and yet with the kids staying home we get regular emails informing us of students still testing positive.. what? how? Well I'll tell you how.. we had to go to the mall over the weekend.. and I say had to because we needed to return on online purchase and JC Penny has gotten with the program yet and makes you pay to ship ret...