Ready to Fly Away

The last few days leading up to today.. and the coming few days were/are going to be busy. Last week had two snow days and when Friday came around I was more than happy to finally have a quite and empty house. On Saturday M and I both went to get a long overdue mani pedi.. my feet are mostly sock covered but at night before bed when I take off my socks and find my freshly painted bright summer colored toes staring back it me I feel joy. We have also been packing and trying to finish off all the food in the refrigerator.. I hate packing. I'm a pretty good packer.. we try to travel as light as we possibly can but I still absolutely hate it. I need to get a hair cut before we go on the boys need one two.. my brain is swarming with last minute thoughts.. making sure I don't forget anything.. I'll be missing for the next couple of weeks.. we'll see you all when we return.. with hopefully tons of pictures and stories.. :) ...