Birthday Getaway

I have been having a few computer internet connectivity issues.. hence the absence. We had the most marvelous birthday weekend.. as most of you may have read M and I celebrate birthday's back to back which makes celebrating all the more fun. We are not big on gift giving and usually try to go on a little getaway.. whether it is local like a few years ago or last years trip to Vegas . This year was another year to keep it local. I caught a bus to New York City and met my husband for dinner. It was a crazy rainy day of course and the bus was 15 mins late but thankfully the restaurant was very understanding. We had a steak dinner at Del Frisco's and were both surprised when it ended with a dessert platter with two candles :) wherever I make a reservation and they ask if we're celebrating something special and we are I make a point of mentioning it no point in hiding it right? Sometimes it results in nothing and sometimes you get free dessert :) and no we did not ta...