
Showing posts from May, 2015

Friday Photography

Discovery - Inside the intriguing Howe Caverns, in Upstate New York. We visited these caverns on our first road trip with D. You can check out more of our trip here.  Geologists believe that the formation of the cave, which lies 156 feet below ground, began several million years ago. Composed mainly of limestone deposited hundreds of millions of years ago when the Atlantic Ocean stretched far inland, the cave contains a lake called the Lake of Venus. This is a sepia toned photograph of stacked jagged edge stones. To purchase Discovery  click here . Available in multiple sizes.  Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now on Instagram .. Come Along and Follow me on my Photo Journey Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

In the Basement: A Space for the Boys

Before we even got started on the basement we had know that we wanted to make a special space for the boys.. a little hide out or nook carved out for them. As we progressed with the planning and thanks to Pinterest  we were able to find a ton of ideas.. all the while making sure we didn't go too crazy. When we started with the space it looked something like this: But after the painting was done and before the carpet was installed we got t work making that perfect little nook for the boys. Luckily thanks to all the utility rooms we were forced to create a perfect little nook was created for us.. with the help of my dad who happened to be visiting at the time we all got to work and the result was.. Now to take a step back and walk you through the process. Step One was to build the base. Step Two attach it to the wall.. as an extra support they attached to 2x4's to the wall to lay the base on.. once the entire structure was built those 2x4...

Friday Photography

Dipped Purple - A brilliant purple wild prairie blazing star found in the Montreal Botanical Gardens. The print can be purchased here . If you aren't looking to decorate your walls right now than maybe your phone could use a new skin on your sofa a pretty purple pillow.. this print can be found a so many pretty things here  Take a Peak! And to see more from our trip to Montreal click here Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now on Instagram .. Come Along and Follow me on my Photo Journey Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

The Basement

For my regular readers.. you all know we've been working on our basement since last winter.. it was a big unfinished space and we wanted to make sure whatever we did we did right. Living on the east coast means most of the year it's too cold or wet to go out and we wanted to make a space where our boys could escape to in the winter.. we wanted a place we could hang out with friends.. .. we wanted a lot.. so striking the perfect balance was not easy. So I made layouts.. and more layouts and then we started to meet with contractors.. in case you missed it here's my post about Hiring a Contractor We started with a large dark rectangular space with an ugly green staircase running down the middle. Our solution.. creating a U shaped space with a large closet running from underneath the staircase to the end of the room.. The layout in its simplest form. The previous owner or the builder thought it was a good idea to scatter the utilities throughout the room.. so we ha...

Friday Photography

Colors of Gaudi - If you ever find yourself in Barcelona, luckily you will be surrounded by the most beautiful and eccentric architecture of Gaudi or simply buildings inspired by the mans ingenuity. But the jewel in Gaudiā€™s crown lies in the Gaudi Park. Acres of creativity, brilliant mosaics and surprises around every corner. This photograph is just an abstracted example of some of the marvels of Antoni Gaudi. Colors of Gaudi can be purchased here .  And if wall art is something you are just not looking for right now how about a throw pillow, a cover/case or skin for your gadgets.. drink your coffee in it or better yet wear the coolest leggings or wear a beautiful scarf all with the Colors of Gaudi. Take Your Pick Get my post directly in you inbox with  Bloglovin I am now on Instagram .. Come Along and Follow me on my Photo Journey Newsletter Sign Up - Let's Stay Connected, Shall We?

The Liebster

The first time I received a Liebster Award was back in 2012. I had answered all the questions and followed all the rules.. the next few times I just skipped it all with just an acknowledgement to the sweet blogger who nominated me.. Seeing that is has been a long time since I answered some questions about me I thought I'd take this as an opportunity to do so.. but I am skipping all the rules.. I would love to say a big Thank You to Ashley from PrettyHappySweet  I am honored. Now getting straight to it. 11 Random Facts about Me: 1. I am left handed. 2. If I could be buried with something.. I'd like to be buried with books. 3. I got my first gray hair before I was 20.. now I have so many :( 4. When people first meet me they often get a snobby vibe.. it just takes me a little while to open up. 5. And once I get talking there is no shutting me up. 6. If I had the luxury to spend my life doing anything.. I would travel.. everywhere.. with M. 7. On an everyday basis I w...