
Showing posts from January, 2012

Keeping Warm

  July S   Crushers   Xiaolizi   Reflections by DS   Gieras   Willow on the Water   Baja Soul   Sophia Clothing   Larkin and Larkin   Angelikaliv Ovejanegra                       Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin   


I know this post is about a month overdue but I've had my hands full. But better late than never right? We had a fabulous week of warmth and sunshine.. just a tad rain and the waters could have been warmer but it felt good to shed our coats and sweaters and bring our flip flops out of hiding. We spent time splashing in the pool, M had missed out on all of D's swim classes and the only splashing he had seen was in the bath so it was great to see father and son get in some pool time. But D loved the sand so much more.. he was fascinated by the grain and texture, the way it fell from his fingers.. and the ebb and flow of the waves.. giving me a lot of time of just laying on beach chairs and enjoying him at play and reading.. We rented a car and toured the island which is not very big and covered with cacti.. millions and billions of cacti.. a light house, a few gold mine ruins, several beaches as well as dessert like terrain. We took a semi...

A Line a Day.. Journaling

Just before the start of last year, I stumbled upon this post by Design Sponge for a Calendar Journal.   I immediately knew this was something I wanted to do just without all the cutting and loose index cards. I liked the idea but the execution was not something that would fit into my life. I could just imagine D having his fun with the index cards, stuffing them into the vents. Yes, that is his new hobby. : ) So as of 2011 I started my one line a day journal. I liked the idea of one line.. you really had to sort through the events of the day and focus on one. It was your choice if you chose to remember a fight or the making up ;) It made me smile everyday before bed as I ran through the images of the day.. well almost everyday.. there were as there always are bad days too.  In all my excitement I forgot to check how many pages my little notebook had.. and also forgot that I had used this notebook before and had torn out a few pages. My notebook ended...

The Books of 2011

I love to read.. I could finish a book a day forgetting the world around me. But I can't.. with a rambunctious toddler you get no time for yourself until your child naps.. and then you have a whole other list of things you need to get done.. and bedtime can not come sooner.. and you simply don't have enough hours in a day. But I can't not read. Sure it take me a month.. sometimes more to finish a book.. but I must make time to read. I am no particular genre of interest. I am willing to read anything that captures me. And if it doesn't there was time when I would still finish it.. a courtesy to the writer and a hope that it will surprise me. Unfortunately, I no longer have the patience for that. If i'm not hooked by the first hundred pages or so I must move on to the next tale on my bookshelf. What I read this year: Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. I started with some laughs. He is a very different kind of funny.. he never fails to e...

Necklaces and Pendants

  Twilly Pop   Cosmic Girl   B Studio Blonde Chick     The Whirlwind   Just Jaynes   Yoola Rafya     Pole Star   MD Sparks Cathy Walters source                       Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin