A Quick Trip to Florence

How are we already in October? Well here I am to transport you back to Italy in August. We started our trip in the Amalfi Coast and took a train to the historic Roma. Now we continue our travels and head to Florence. 

We stayed at the Frame Hotel which was close to both the train station and the Duomo. But before I get into the city I want to talk about the hotel. The Frame Hotel in Florence, Italy, is famous because it occupies the same historic building where the stolen Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci was recovered in 1913 after it was taken from the Louvre Museum in Paris; the building was then known as the "Tripoli Hotel" and the thief, Vincenzo Peruggia, was found staying there when the painting was retrieved. And to honor that story the hotel is full of specially commissioned Mona Lisa paintings.

I must also add that the man working the front desk at this hotel was amazing. He made sure the room was ready earlier as M had a conference call. He gave us tips on the best leather stores etc. 

Florence is the hub of all things art. We did not plan on doing any of the galleries which meant doing Florence in just one day was very possible. 

Our first order of business was lunch. We headed to the Mercato Centrale. 

As much as I love food halls and the variety of food they have I also hate the chaos. After perusing all the vendors we settled on a burger, jalapeno tenders, mozzarella balls, tiramisu and a cannoli. 

Then we checked out all the leather vendors outside.

What is real and what is fake I can't say.. but there is a beautiful array of products. We even visited a shoe maker who takes a mold of your foot and creates for you the perfect shoe. It takes several weeks to months and they ship it to you. M bought a belt from Florence 15 years ago and it is still in excellent condition.

Now onto the absolutely stunning Duomo, formally the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower. It is one of the greatest masterpieces of Gothic art and the first Italian Renaissance and took over 140 years to complete. This Florentine cathedral is the third largest cathedral in the world, able to accommodate 30,000 worshippers. The cathedral has the largest masonry dome in the world, almost the size of half a football field across at the base, and standing over 10 stories high, it is the largest masonry structure in the world. The Pantheon was the inspiration for the cathedral.

The Domo is very centrally located, we found ourselves walking by it multiple time and every time we passed it we had to stop and look at it again. It is one of those I could stare at it all day kind of marvels.

We took a short mid day break and headed back to the hotel for M's conference call. After the call we got to down to business. 

We headed to Uffizi Gallery. I know, I know I said we weren't going to be visiting any of the galleries but Uffizi has plenty of sculptures outside the gallery, free of charge and most importantly Fake David. If you want to see real David you need to visit the Accademia Gallery, also in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery is located in Piazza Signoria.

Michelangelo's David has become one of the most recognized works of Renaissance sculpture; a symbol of strength and youthful beauty. The colossal size of the statue alone impressed Michelangelo's contemporaries. While the replica is of course a replica but to our simple eyes it was just fine. 

Perseus with the head of Medusa, something my Percy Jackson loving son got a kick out of. 

Above is the Fountain of Neptune. 

Next we stopped at Gelateria dei Negri.. their strawberry gelato was amazing. 

Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

Finally after lots of meandering through streets and checking out more leather wears we arrived at Ponte Alle Grazie, a bridge over the Arno river. The bridge runs parallel to the more famous Ponte Vecchio and a nice place to capture a photo of the Ponte Vecchio but the sun was high and the pictures were not all that nice. 

We crossed the bridge in order to get to Piazzale Michelangelo. Piazza Michelangelo is on a hill on the south bank of the Arno River, just east of the center of Florence, and offers a stunning view of the city.

It was a hot day. The walk up to the piazza was steep and we were tired. The walk down was easier and we slowly walked along the water to the Ponte Vecchio. 

The Ponte Vecchio is Florence's oldest bridge, dating back to 1350. Ponte Vecchio was once lined with butcher shops until a Medici decree relocated goldsmiths onto the bridge. Ponte Vecchio was Florence’s only bridge to survive WWII unscathed but was damaged in a devastating flood in 1966. 

Lastly it was time for dinner. We had made reservations at Trattoria Za Za. Thank God because there was a huge line outside. This place was incredible. The walls were brightly painted and the food which I took zero pictures off was amazing. 

Florence is famous for its steak. Bistecca alla fiorentina is an Italian steak dish made of young steer or heifer that is one of the most famous dishes in Tuscan cuisine. It is loin steak on the bone cooked on a grill until rare. We love a good steak but the size of it was just overwhelming and we chose to skip it. I saw it on other peoples tables and it was massive. 

We don't drink alcohol and appreciated the variety of drinks most restaurants offered that weren't basic sodas.

There was an even longer line when we left the restaurant. Something new I did for this trip that I have never done before is make reservations for almost every restaurant we ate at. Often on other trips we would find ourselves hungry going restaurant to restaurant looking at menus, looking for tables and find ourselves so hungry we would just sit anywhere and eat anything. It didn't always end with a good meal or experience. We did find ourselves running late twice and had to move reservations but overall it worked out perfectly and I am changed by this experience.  

And so came to an end our one day in Florence. 

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  1. It sounds like making reservations works best. Lovely post.

  2. I'd love to visit the Uffizi! Those Mona Lisa copies are brilliant and the frescos in Za Za are so much fun. Your family photos are great!
    Like you, I like my holidays to be spontaneous and hate having to reserve tables in restaurants. I remember Italy being particularly bad for that. xxx

  3. The building are lovely. The fake David, I wouldn't know if fake or not.
    Not that fond of the Mona Lisa's there but then I can understand why they have them.
    I guess you could view the restaurants menu's online before you booked?

  4. The architecture is beautiful!


  5. Florence is an attractive and interesting city. The cathedral - duomo - is amazing.

  6. Next time you go to Florence, definitely book tickets to the Uffizi and Accademia Galleries! See all the greatest of Renaissance art and sculpture!

  7. What a lovely trip! :D

  8. You crammed a lot into one day!

  9. Love the way you fill a day! Such energy and enthusiasm, trying out new things, taking in the sights! Your boys will never forget these trips!

  10. I chuckled when you said you didn't like the chaos of food halls, I do not like it as well - boston one is nuts! Lovely trip!!

  11. That looks like so much fun! I can't stand the chaos.
    It looked like great weather, too!

  12. Florence is a beautiful city and you really made the most of your day there! I was a teenager when I visited and still remember how impressed I was by David. My aunt got a handbag there that I used for years after she died. I think I still have it on my shelf.

  13. Beautiful photos of Florence and delish sounding foods ~ you go the best places ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. The food photos are always delicious looking! I would love to go to Italy, as my it is where my family came to the US from. My dad and sister got their dual citizenship several years ago, and I keep thinking about doing it myself. Although it feels weird to do that since I've never been there. Thanks for sharing this and all your tips I'll keep in mind if I ever get to go!

  15. That sounds like such a wonderful first day!

  16. That sounds like a lovely day. It's great when things go your way.

  17. The Mona Lisa concept of the Frame Hotel sounds so cool.

  18. Looks like a really nice trip.

  19. What an amazing day in Florence! The Duomo cathedral looks incredible! All that history in the city...

  20. Better to make a reservation and get a table then not and finding you can't get a table, it sounds like a lovely day

  21. Your pictures are fabulous! Looks like you managed to do a lot in a small amount of time. I feel like all cities now require booking so much ahead of time. We prefer to be a little bit spontaneous but it's hard with everyone traveling everywhere now. The internet has revealed so many former hidden gems.

  22. Great pictures and what a beautiful trip!

  23. Anonymous10/07/2024

    I would so love to travel to Florence one day. Your trip looked wonderful so jelly. The hotel sounds great and love the back story. The food must be absolutely incredible and how did you control yourself with all those bags and belts. Thanks for sharing here.

    Allie of

  24. Anonymous10/07/2024

    Would love to visit Florence, looks wonderful! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  25. Wow! Your trip looks so fun! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Anonymous10/07/2024

    Oh, I'd love to go back to Florence. I believe when we went, we were there just a couple days... visited Tuscany too. Love your reservations tip. And how did I not know Florence was known for steak? All the food looks good... as does the leather shops!


  27. Memories of my trip there came flooding back. The architecture and the sculptures, including both the original and duplicate David. Your smiles, too, show the wonder of it all. :)

  28. What an amazing trip! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I hope to visit Italy at some point!

  29. Florence looks so beautiful! I'd love to visit there some day. The food, oh my goodness! It all looks so decadent! Thank you for showing us a taste of Florence through your lens.

  30. Thank you for this whirlwind tour of Florence! The architecture is simply stunning! Your hotel sounds absolutely amazing too, and I'm loving the Mona Lisa copies! As for copies, we have a copy of Michelangelo's David in one of the parks in Antwerp too :-) xxx

  31. Florence is on my bucket list! Want to see all the art. Of course the food looks amazing too!


  32. These trips will be unforgettable for your boys!
    Florence is beautiful.

  33. You did so much in one day. The gelato looks delicious. Fake David--ah, I would not know the fake from the real.

  34. I love that you all are able to travel so often, and that you share your experiences with us! Lovely pictures, and great family photos!

  35. Looks like a wonderful time!

  36. Wow you managed to pack a lot into one day, I love to see the details they put in those buildings they are so outstanding. We missed out eating at a good place on our trip too because we would have to have a reservation. It is amazing the bridge made it through the war and a flood ends up taking it out.

  37. Beautiful pictures! It looks like a fun trip! I hope to visit Florence one of these days. :)

  38. Thanks for sharing your wonderful fun-filed adventures in Italy through your great photos. Now for some of that refreshing strawberry gelato. (and then I woke up) LOL


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