
Showing posts from September, 2024

Amalfi Coast

After a challenging summer, towards the end of August after getting an okay from D's doc we headed off on our Italian adventure. We took a red eye (usually our flight of choice) into Naples, Italy. Our hotel was in Sorrento, a popular city just outside the Amalfi Coast. There are three ways to get from Naples to anywhere on the Amalfi Coast. Train, ferry or private car. We choose the most convenient method, private car.  Why? Well with a private car we were picked up from the airport and dropped off at our hotel. In case of a train or ferry we would have had to take a taxi to the train station or port and then another taxi to our hotel. We had only two days, were jet lagged and convenience always wins for us. We had booked the car in advance and the driver was waiting for us when we arrived.  Why Sorrento? Pretty much the same reason as above. Convenience. To get to any town on the Amalfi Coast you would first have to get to Sorrento and then take a car,ferry,bus etc to get to that

Friday Photography

Greek Summer - Man swimming in the pristine blue waters of Santorini's White Beach. Read more about our trip to Greece  here You can buy this print  here . Get Free Shipping with code BLOGGER Prints also available in larger sizes. Contact for more information and special requests. I am open to wholesale and licensing opportunities. Get in touch for more information. Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Redbubble             Zazzle             Society6      


Where do I even begin? Hope you all had a wonderful summer. And while we had a very rocky start to ours we were able to end it on a high note. Let's start with D. Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. They have helped immensely. While D had shown improvement compared to the early weeks of his diagnosis the doctor was still concerned with the speed of progress. There are three areas of concern, health of cornea, murdering of parasite and lastly vision. The murdering of the parasite has been going well.. not dead yet. But the doctor was especially concerned with the health of his cornea. So, we had cut our trip a little short so he could have an outpatient procedure done (applying amniotic membrane to his cornea) to boost it's health before school started. Well, (and this is where all your thoughts and prayers come in) when we arrived for the appointment the doctor was shocked at the recovery he had made in the past 10 days. So much so that he said the proced