
Showing posts from November, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

We are going to be out of the country for Thanksgiving. It'll be our first time on an airplane post covid. Though M did fly to Chicago last month for a conference. The kids have received their first dose of the vaccine and had no side effects, so yay!  I will fill you in on all the deets when we come back. You can follow me on Instagram to follow along. Till then, hope all my fellow Americans have a wonderful holiday. To everyone else have a lovely week.                     Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin   

Four Days in NYC

We live about an hour away from the city. M commutes to the city for work regularly. We hop over for a game or a show, meet up with friends and then rush back home. We are never just there.. So when the kids had two days off school we thought we'd turn it into a mini vacation.  We took the train over.. which I was surprised to realize that it was a first for H. We used to make so many trips when D was little.. we lived right next to a light rail. Now that we live deeper in the burbs we often drive in.. this way the kids can fall asleep in the car on the ride home.  Anyway, we left home right after breakfast and found ourselves in the city just before noon. We were staying in the Flatiron District and were happy to hear that our room for ready hours before check in. We freshened up and headed out.  DAY ONE - We started with a stop at the Madison Square Park playground, strolled by the Flatiron Building and made our way towards Chelsea Market. I always recommend Chelsea Mar...

Recent Reads

What Alice Forgot by Laine Moriarty Synopsis - Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child. So imagine Aliceā€™s surprise when she comes to on the floor of a gym and is whisked off to the hospital where she discovers the honeymoon is truly over ā€” sheā€™s getting divorced, she has three kids and sheā€™s actually 39 years old. Alice must reconstruct the events of a lost decade, and find out whether itā€™s possible to reconstruct her life at the same time. She has to figure out why her sister hardly talks to her, and how is it that sheā€™s become one of those super skinny moms with really expensive clothes. Ultimately, Alice must discover whether forgetting is a blessing or a curse, and whether itā€™s possible to start over. Thoughts - This book has been sitting on my bookshelf for years. I keep on picking up the newer stuff to read and the older books just getting older. So earlier this year I let the kids pick out my next read so there is no bias. This wa...

Happy Halloween

We like Halloween.. candy, spooky decorations, pumpkins and yes of course dressing up.. We have been hosting a little party for the last couple of years.. skipped last year for obvious reasons. Here's a looksie at some Halloween's past. 2013   2015   2016   2018   2019  and 2020 We and by that I mean M and the boys.. and by that I mean M, started decorating the house as soon as it was officially October. Every weekend he puts up a little more. The white pumpkin is D's. He was going for creepy Jack Skellington vibe.. ended up kinda happy.. not complaining.. It's after Jack first meets Sally.. sweet. H wanted to carve his.. by which I mean he delegated the job to M.. lol. I saw this really cute cake roll idea and obsessed over it. watched youtube videos of how to make it.. poured over recipes and convinced myself I could do it.  Printed out a template.. made the designs which were a lot harder then they look.. made the batter and in the oven it went. Wha...