The Kids Favorite Books

Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I am raising readers. Our initial IKEA spice racks /bookshelves in the boys room were starting to over flow with books to the point that we bought them bookshelves last month. While I always talk about what I'm reading I thought I'd share with you what the kids are reading right now as well as some of their favorite books. We as a family are still reading The American Story by David Rubenstein and just finished the chapter on Hamilton.. now we are ready to watch the show! And we have also started as a family to read Harry Potter.. H is currently reading (with my help) his way through some of the Bad Kitty books by Nick Bruel . When asked - here are H's Top 3 Books 1. The Nahrwal Books by Ben Clanton - His exact words "They are funny. It was so funny when the sea monkey said 789. I liked Narwhal, they are very funny. They have 9 foot long tooth coming out of their forehead." I second his sentiments.. these are the fu...