
Showing posts from March, 2011

Isn't Boring Just Great Sometimes

Its been cold for days, weeks, months now and it was fine considering it was winter. But just last weekend..days before it was officially spring not only was the sun shinning but the air was warmer, we brought out our t-shirts, put D in his stroller and took a long walk. And then it was officially spring and it snowed! Yesterday seemed like nice day, the sun was shining and was just a slight chill in the air.. we decided to head for the park. Maybe have D swing on his first swing. I filled a thermos with hot chocolate, bundled up D and off we went. Our first problem was when D fell asleep the moment his head touched the car seat. We thought no problem we'll just enjoy the sun and some alone time with D sleeping in his stroller. (M has been working late nights for three months now and though it's coming to an end with the end of the month it just feels like enough is enough. We hardly have any time. So this was it. A little us time. We pour two steaming hot cups of chocol...

A little Voting Love

In order to win a feature on The Guide and an ad space in The Guide's next Voter, I need your help. Send me a little love by voting for my 'Sitting Blue' photograph here at  Hand Made Gift Guide Thank you in advance and have a happy weekend!

The Favorite List #3

This list is of things that are just oh so pretty...   LaLa Shoes   Lionsgate Designs Pilli Pilli Handmade     Tessa Ann Archcessoires Petek Designs   Element Clay Studios Yoga Goat Happy Friday everyone!ļ»æ                           Etsy             Instagram             Twitter             Bloglovin